Author Topic: Monitor Poweroff in KDE  (Read 810 times)


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Monitor Poweroff in KDE
« on: 8 February 2002, 05:48 »
How do I set the monitor to turn off in 10 minutes in KDE. (Or the whole Linux System, If required)?


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Monitor Poweroff in KDE
« Reply #1 on: 8 February 2002, 07:36 »
"Control Center"->"Power Settings"

The "Control Center" icon should be on your task bar (looks like a circuit board or something). All kinds of power options in there including monitor. I am running KDE 2.2.2 so if you are not, your mileage may vary...

[ February 09, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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Monitor Poweroff in KDE
« Reply #2 on: 8 February 2002, 21:50 »
thanks very much, that "power off" was misleading. I thought it meant shutdown the computer


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Monitor Poweroff in KDE
« Reply #3 on: 8 February 2002, 21:51 »
if you like to control this on system side (i.e. when you are not logged in) enable dpms in your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file.  This is under the moniter section and need to look like this:
Option "dpms"
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Monitor Poweroff in KDE
« Reply #4 on: 6 March 2002, 16:49 »
Hiya folks, similar concern here i think,

when i halt the machine in red hat 7.0 on my laptop, it halts okay, but displays no "system successfully halted" information on the screen. (i am halting from either GNOME or KDE btw) then i have to switch the machine off by pushing the power button.

Now, when shutting down windows on the same machine, it will display an "it is now safe to turn off your computer" screen (how patronising) and then it will automatically turn off the machine (that's if it hasn't crashed before shut down time!) and i was wondering how to get linux to do these two things?

i know it will be a very simple and easy answer but i wouldn't know how to begin to figure it out myself, so if somebody has the inclination to post the answer, that would be great, ta!
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Monitor Poweroff in KDE
« Reply #5 on: 7 March 2002, 08:56 »
First of all, I hope you aren't really using the "halt" command.  Especially from within X.  This would not be the suggested method.  The suggested method would be to log out of X and if you are running a graphical login, use the "shutdown or shutdown/restart" options.  If you are not running a graphical login you can just press CTRL+ALT+DEL which will cause the system to perform a proper shutdown/restart (actually it puts sets the "init" level to 6 which is a shutdown/restart).  Optionally if you are logged in as root you can type "init 0" which will do a shutdown or an "init 6" which will do a shutdown/restart.  On my laptops when I do a "shutdown" it actually powers itself off. I just got a new Latitude with the same video card you have in yours. I really like it and was able to get it working perfectly both undocked and docked in a CPORT II docking station with a 19" monitor.  Had to add a tag to the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file to get it to work with the external monitor though (Option "Display" "BIOS") under the "Screen" section.  Other than that, piece of cake (I'm am running RedHat 7.2 though).
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Monitor Poweroff in KDE
« Reply #6 on: 7 March 2002, 21:26 »
shutdown -h now

will shutdown Linux and most Unix systems.  As for the machine powering completely down........this is hardware dependent, but the above comand will work in most cases........if it doesn't then its your hardware.
dbl221***Comp-Sys walking wounded


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Monitor Poweroff in KDE
« Reply #7 on: 7 March 2002, 21:37 »
Well, in Slowaris it would be "shutdown -y -i0 -g0", but I digress.  
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Monitor Poweroff in KDE
« Reply #8 on: 7 March 2002, 15:42 »
Originally posted by dbl221:
shutdown -h now

will shutdown Linux and most Unix systems.  As for the machine powering completely down........this is hardware dependent, but the above comand will work in most cases........if it doesn't then its your hardware.

okleydokley boss, is there a file that i can add this line to to make it happen automatically when i shut down?

VoidMain, i am really not sure of the appropriate syntax for what i am really doing. I currently have the system set to start X automatically when i switch on, this brings up a red hat graphical login screen. i log in, do my thing, then when i log out, i get taken back to the login screen here. This login screen has options for logging in with GNOME and with KDE, and with something else too... not sure what.
Anyway, here i am at the login screen, there's a little menubar, one of the tabs is called "System" i think (i can't check as i'm not at home right now) and when you look in the "System" menu, you get two options, Halt, and Reboot. Since i don't want to reboot the machine, i choose Halt.
The result is that the hard disk light goes for about 15 seconds (presumably while everything is unmounted, killed et c, whatever, i don't know which F* keys to use to check what it's doing) then stops. The screen is left on the login screen, but with no mouse, no nothing. This leads me to believe that the system has safely shut down (certainly i don't see any "panic panic! help help!" style messages the next time i start up) but how to get it to automatically shut down the physical machine too? or at least get rid of the login screen?
is there a line i can add somewhere? if so where?
thanks for yr answers guys! it's very encouraging. I just downloaded the red hat 7 getting started pdf so that's 250-odd pages of readin i will be doing now!
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Monitor Poweroff in KDE
« Reply #9 on: 8 March 2002, 08:15 »
Calum, it sounds like it's not really shutting down. If it was, you should see several of those green "[OK]" messages when it stops all the services (just like when it starts the services at startup.  When you say "login" prompt, are you referring to the graphical or text based login prompt?  If it shuts down Xwindows and you still have a text based login prompt what happens when you press CTRL+ALT+DEL?  If it is the graphical login prompt you are referring to what happens when you press CTRL+ALT+F1?
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