Notice line 4 has a "su" instead of "supermount" (actually the line is screwed up, must have drug your mouse across it, copy line 4 from your earlier post in place of that one that is screwed), there's your first error. Your second problem is you need to create a "/home" directory, then add that "/home" line back into your /etc/fstab. Then mount it. Then look in /home and see what's there (paste in an "ls -l /home" after all that so's I can look it over).
P.S. The "/etc/fstab" is a critical file. You must be very careful when editing this file not to make typos. Check it over 2 or 3 times after making a change and before rebooting after making a change. As long as you don't reboot you can always fix it.
[ November 11, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]