Author Topic: Uninstalling Mozilla  (Read 456 times)


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Uninstalling Mozilla
« on: 8 February 2003, 20:09 »
I installed Mozilla 1.3a from a script, not from RPM.  I want to remove Mozilla 1.01 that came with my RH8.  When I went into the package manager I unchecked mozilla.  I clicked update it said I had to uninstall 12 packages.  11 were OK to remove except one of them was Open Office, which I want.  How do I uninstall the old mozilla without uninstalling Openoffice?  I trid in the terminal running rpm -e mozilla and it said it had all of these dependencies
Code: [Select]

Is open office in that list of dependencies, I can't seem to find it.  If open office is not in that list what rpm command to I use to remove mozilla and all of its dependencies?


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Uninstalling Mozilla
« Reply #1 on: 17 February 2003, 11:21 »
In freeBSD the command would be, as root:
cd /usr/ports/net/mozilla && make deinstall clean

Sorry that doesn't help
 I don't see OO in the list of deps there.  Maybe it is set as the default browser in OO prefs?
Also couldn't you install 1.3 via rpm -U to upgrade.
Sorry switched to FBSD last summer and haven't back at linux since
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