Linux will never work on the desktop; it's missing too many things like an easy GUI software installer, and the only worthwhile Linux GUI's (kde and gnome) are way too slow. Gnome doesn't even have AA fonts, and KDE just got them straightened out. Besides, the GNOME and KDE projects are each working on the same thing, trying to build a separate but similar UI and application framework; how stupid is that?Plus, what good is Linux when Microsoft Frontpage isn't available for it? If you want to use "UNIX" in a friendly way, just use a Mac. Linux will only be for servers; companies aren't even investing at all in any "linux-on-the-desktop" endeavours, anyway. If you want to use Linux as your desktop OS, that's fine, but only if you don't mind being hampered by esoteric config programs, an ugly, slow and ineffecient GUI, and sketchy font support.