Author Topic: Athlon + GeForce laptop?  (Read 495 times)


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Athlon + GeForce laptop?
« on: 10 January 2003, 08:28 »
I'm looking for a good laptop to run linux. I've been looking for a laptop with an AMD processor (Duron, Athlon, Athlon XP etc.) and an nVIDIA graphics card (GeForce2 or better). I want an AMD processor because I feel they are a better value. And I want an nVIDIA graphics chip because I want 3D support for XFree86.

I've been looking for a few months, off and on, and I've only been able to find AMD/ATI and Intel/nVIDIA combinations when it comes to laptops. Has anyone ever seen a Athlon + GeForce laptop?


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Athlon + GeForce laptop?
« Reply #1 on: 10 January 2003, 08:38 »
Try the AMD/ATI's here's why:

Or if those are have older ATI cards try:
Free it, goddamnit!

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Athlon + GeForce laptop?
« Reply #2 on: 10 January 2003, 13:33 »
Even the Intels will burn your dick. Didn't you hear about the Dell wiener fryer? Yeah, a guy won a law suit because it caused blisters.
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