Author Topic: How linux can really make it......  (Read 752 times)


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How linux can really make it......
« on: 22 April 2003, 02:42 »
If they do like what Apple does and have it built in to there computers u know the idea....
have it preinstalled in pre approved hardware....and ready.....

Its amazing its not being done in the mainstream yet !  


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How linux can really make it......
« Reply #1 on: 22 April 2003, 02:51 »
well some have tried, like Lindows. but that is proprietary linux (it contradicts itself   :confused:  ), and for some reason it hasn't taken off, wonder why. maybe because normal computer people don't know what linux is and linux people don't want to help lindow prosper...

but no one can expect a company like redhat to start producing computer hardware packages...

what needs to happen (imo): dell/gateway/hp or whatever needs to LET GO of their microsoft windows liciences, and give linux a chance. but they will not take the risk because if it's a failure, they are doomed as a company b/c microsoft wouldn't take a traitor back into the depths of windows hell...

"Your computer is already fucked up by having Windows
on it, you can only unfuck it up by installing Linux."
-- void main (old school MES member)

Desktop: Athlon 2600/ 768mb DDR266
--Running: Ubuntu 5.10, FC4, Win2k
 (Also, Unbuntu 6-06:5, 5.04; Fedora Core 5, WinXP, but none of these are used much)
12" Powerbook: 1.5 Ghz G4 PowerPC / 1.25 GB DDR333
--Running: Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger


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How linux can really make it......
« Reply #2 on: 22 April 2003, 03:15 »
What needs to happen is that all computer manufacturers, or at least the vast majority, need to offer other OS's as a choice.


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How linux can really make it......
« Reply #3 on: 22 April 2003, 03:39 »
are they allowed to do that while they keep their microsoft liciences? (cause, god forbid they lose that...)

"Your computer is already fucked up by having Windows
on it, you can only unfuck it up by installing Linux."
-- void main (old school MES member)

Desktop: Athlon 2600/ 768mb DDR266
--Running: Ubuntu 5.10, FC4, Win2k
 (Also, Unbuntu 6-06:5, 5.04; Fedora Core 5, WinXP, but none of these are used much)
12" Powerbook: 1.5 Ghz G4 PowerPC / 1.25 GB DDR333
--Running: Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger


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How linux can really make it......
« Reply #4 on: 22 April 2003, 05:05 »
are they [OEMs] allowed to do that [offer alternative OSs] while they keep their microsoft liciences? (cause, god forbid they lose that...)
No. And not only no, but HELL NO!!!!. I bought a new Micron Millenia Xtreme in Jan, 2002. This is a Linux-ready system, containing no Win-hard whatsoever. A WinModem wasn't even an allowable option. However, Micron said nothing about this whatsoever, leaving the system's specs to do all the talking. It's obviously a system that's intended for dual (or multi) booting as it came with the option for a 100GB HD. Unfortunately, you had to get the system with Win XP. I asked Micron about getting the system with no OS installed. They said that they couldn't do that. Nor could they do a Linux install, even when I offered to send them the 'Drake 8.1 install CDs.      :mad:         :mad:         :mad:    

His Gatesness has Micron, and a whole lot of other OEMs firmly by the balls, he ain't lettin' go any time soon. His Gatesness has been pulling this shit for a long time now. When the OEMs wanted to offer dual (Win 3X, BeOS) boot systems, His Gatesness told them that that was fine, however, they weren't allowed to change the MBR. So they sold these dual boot systems, with just a maintenance floppy for booting BeOS. Most of the folks who got one probably didn't even know that they had BeOS, let alone how to boot it. Thus, Winderz went on and the technically superior BeOS died a slow and painful death.
Live Free or Die: Linux

"There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore"
      --Daffy Duck      :D

[ April 21, 2003: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

Live Free or Die: Linux
If software can be free, why can't dolphins?


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How linux can really make it......
« Reply #5 on: 22 April 2003, 14:30 »
Linux might remain a hobbyist and server based OS forever. Simply put it might be better that way for us linux users. I like the challenge besides, we can all fight the good fight.
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How linux can really make it......
« Reply #6 on: 23 April 2003, 21:45 »
Originally posted by jtpenrod:
[QB]No. And not only no, but HELL NO!!!!. I bought a new Micron Millenia Xtreme in Jan, 2002. This is a Linux-ready system, containing no Win-hard whatsoever. A WinModem wasn't even an allowable option. However, Micron said nothing about this whatsoever, leaving the system's specs to do all the talking. It's obviously a system that's intended for dual (or multi) booting as it came with the option for a 100GB HD. Unfortunately, you had to get the system with Win XP. I asked Micron about getting the system with no OS installed. They said that they couldn't do that. Nor could they do a Linux install, even when I offered to send them the 'Drake 8.1 install CDs

Yeah, I have a real problem with this. I have been dealing with Dell business and I had the rep in my office and I told him I would (I was lying) take 20 Dell towers with Linux installed. He said he could do that but we would also have to have XP in there too. So I told him, no deal. He did say that Dell home PC were going to start installing Red Hat (I think) and shipping with XP installed. I mean, the guy gets it, but his hands are tied.
I think the best bet is to go to an independant retailer who will create a PC the way you want. Walmart (avoid like the plague for other reasons) and Frys were offering cheap Linux boxes. I recommended to a coleague who was in the market for a PC to get one of those. Cheap it was too, about $400.00. The fucking moron spent about $1,200 bucks on a windows box. Jeez, this is what I am up against. Didn't even have office, it came with Works I think.
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How linux can really make it......
« Reply #7 on: 23 April 2003, 21:56 »
Originally posted by ThePreacher:
Linux might remain a hobbyist and server based OS forever. Simply put it might be better that way for us linux users. I like the challenge besides, we can all fight the good fight.

I use Linux every day as my main OS.  I don't "tinker" with it all day, and I actually get important things accomplished, like creating spreadsheets, writing programs, and playing games (the most important thing!)  So I really don't use it as a "hobby" OS.  And I've NEVER used Linux as a server OS.  I've never touched Apache or any of those other servers besides samba, which I used to set up my home network.


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How linux can really make it......
« Reply #8 on: 24 April 2003, 04:42 »
Originally posted by Linux User #5225982375:

I use Linux every day as my main OS.  I don't "tinker" with it all day, and I actually get important things accomplished, like creating spreadsheets, writing programs, and playing games (the most important thing!)  So I really don't use it as a "hobby" OS.  And I've NEVER used Linux as a server OS.  I've never touched Apache or any of those other servers besides samba, which I used to set up my home network.

I concur with Linux User here.  I rarely tinker with it, and if I do, it's only because I want to, not because I have to.  I create word documents, keep my budget spreadsheet up to date, surf the web complete with streaming video and audio, listen to MP3's, burn CD's (not recently, as my CD burner committed suicide last week).  I even create and record music in it.  So, I don't consider it a "hobby" OS either.  It's a full-blown workstation/playstation where daily work is done.

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How linux can really make it......
« Reply #9 on: 24 April 2003, 07:51 »
I have to agree with both sides. Linux to me is my main operating system. I can do everything on it that I do with windoze and more. It is incredibly stable and hardly gives me trouble. On the other hand, it is kinda a hobby as well. Unlike windoze, I have full access to the source of the kernel as well as all of my applications and I can control just about everything. You have the oppurtunity to f*** with everything and it can be a lot of fun. Windoze on the other hand gives you a bunch of sh*t and very little customizability.


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How linux can really make it......
« Reply #10 on: 30 April 2003, 11:39 »
I couldn't write or read code if my life depended on it.  This is my short story My friends put SuSE 8 on my new Cheap Computer purchased locally (1.3 Gig for $399)  I partitioned it with the enemy's ME edition,
I started to use Linux more and more.  I started to find that I could do all the same things in SuSE that i could in ME except it was stable and secure.  
Finally I said to myself If I can find all the things in Linux that I had in ME, I'll just turn my Windows Partition into an Ext3 partition, The last thing that I needed (and I was worried I would never find a GOOD one) was a Gnutella P2P client (I need a "For idiots" GUI).  Then just browsing with google I found Edonkey2000.  gotter working and Windaz is history. I liked SuSE so much I did em a favour and purchased 8.1

So don't call it a "Hobby" OS its a "better" desktop OS

I recomend buying a distro once in a while for a quarter the price of XP you can own twice the OS

Besides If there's no cash flow your favorite distros Like Mdk Redhat Suse Turbo are gunna die
MDK just filed for bankruptcy protection lets hope  it goes no further than a protective measure and they pull out.

sorry about the long message, I rant sometimes.