Author Topic: update circle thingy in redhat 8 gnome  (Read 556 times)


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update circle thingy in redhat 8 gnome
« on: 25 November 2002, 04:46 »
in gnome (or maybe kde too, i don't use it so i wouldn't know), redhat 8, there is this little circle that when you click on it updates (blue when your ok, green when it's doing something, red when you need updating). well, i accidently deleted it, so what do i have to do to put it back on there?

also: i have an annoying habbit of deleting things i put on my menubar (kinda stupid...but), is there a way i can 'lock' it so i can't change it?

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update circle thingy in redhat 8 gnome
« Reply #1 on: 25 November 2002, 05:38 »
right click on panel,,,go to add button and system tools. You should see it as "Red HAt network".
Click it and it will be added on your panel again.