Author Topic: Am upgrading my comp... what now?  (Read 524 times)


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Am upgrading my comp... what now?
« on: 25 December 2002, 04:22 »
I'm planning on upgrading my comp soon and giving the remains of this comp to my sister. Anyway, I'm really thinking about what OS i should install. I'm sure I will put Linux on it but i'm considering on dual booting win2k Pro/win98 for gaming. Although I find it a waste of at leaast 1gb I really want to play what I paid for. Here are my options.

A: Only use Linux and hope that games work in WineX CVS.
B: Install Win98 for games and/or configuring WineX to work better(at least, people tell me its best to use Win32 and WineX)
C: Install Win2k Pro for games
D: Same as A and use my dads comp to play wind0ze only games which don't work in Linux with WineX or don't have a native port. I don't think he minds linux as long as I give him his own account and let him do whatever he wants(he only browses the net, check e-mails and listens to radio through RealPlayer) and make everything nice and simple... Although simpleness isn't an important factor, he ran Red Hat 5.0 a long time ago.

Here's a list of games I have that have a native port and those that don't:
Unreal Tournament
Unreal Tournament 2003
Return To Castle Wolfenstein

Don't have:
Medal Of Honor Allied Assault(it is rated 3 in winex support but I saw a screenie with someone running mohaa)
C&C Red Alert 2
C&C Renegade
Tribes 2(A friend got it for me as a present and it is the win32 version)
Starsiege Tribes
Max Payne
Grand Theft Auto 3
StarTrek Bridge Commander
Age Of Empires 2(+ Expansion... Yes, I know... Wind0ze)

Games I play alot:
Unreal Tournament 2003
Medal Of Honor Allied Assault
Half-Life(and the mods Counter-Strike and Natural Selection)
Free it, goddamnit!

Computer security is very much like home security - you can take as many security precautions as you like but if you leave windows open, sooner or later you'll get broken into. - (Calum 2003)