Author Topic: Degenerate Microsoft Press books use propaganda against compititors  (Read 1143 times)


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I was reading MS-Press book of David Kruglinski on VC++ 6.0 .I was shocked to read "comparison " between
C++ and Java. Where authors, with due respect to their technical knowlwdge have said that Java s Not that good" Who are these MS-Stink guys to decide what is good and what is not?
Better leave it to market to decide.
When you cant build even 10% good path-breaking product as Java then you whine about shortcomings of other products.


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Well M$ apparently thinks that it has every right, that's why they re-invented the wheel with C# and as we all know it was so worth their while doing that, wasn't it. Isn't C# the best language in the universe or something?

When will they learn to keep to standards? Never probably but after all M$ ain't going to be around for ever.
The MES Anti-Prude Force
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I believe java is "not that good" because microsoft can't include it in their operating system anymore. Or am I mistaken?


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and being as how it's a press release... i'll move it to microsoft in the news for you.


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for such a long time I never knew what C# was so just incase anyone is wondering C# does not stand for "C number" it stands for "C SHARP"

when will MS learn to keep standards?

 - when every standard is an MS product.

I wish I had the experise to add anything to the debate over C# being better than Java, but I would have to say I'll take a sun product over microsuck anyday

I guess the internet is the final frontier (am I a nerd or what) for the software debate.


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I totally agree with you Suse and Im a musician , so it's good to know the thought runs across more then one genre  :D
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what?  some one agrees with me.

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Originally posted by suselinux:
for such a long time I never knew what C# was so just incase anyone is wondering C# does not stand for "C number" it stands for "C SHARP"

when will MS learn to keep standards?

 - when every standard is an MS product.

I wish I had the experise to add anything to the debate over C# being better than Java, but I would have to say I'll take a sun product over microsuck anyday

I guess the internet is the final frontier (am I a nerd or what) for the software debate.

And now we have F# as well, another great M$ innovation designed to lock in, lock down and suck your cash out of your pockets.

F# in principle sounds like a great idea but you can escape the fact that it's just another M$ bastardisation. In reality it it's just another scheme to tie developers into their platform, using their IDE's, their tools on their Servers. No way!  M$ are trying to make a world were any monkey can do this stuff, push button programing. Not a bad idea in theory but dangerous when in reality the programer doesn't actually know what he is doing?!?!?

The MES Anti-Prude Force
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Oh and Suse, I agree with you as well  
The MES Anti-Prude Force
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funny u should say that about java, i read an entry from, a sun engineer sent a messege to his employers stating that java is not robust enough to run thier mission critical appplications. its just something i read, weather irs true or not....
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I don't know if that's true, I've also read it some place. Also read that JDK 1.4 had about 2000 bugs in it.... Again may be true may not be...... (my guess it's not true) All I know is I like Java, it's powerful and you can do some really cool stuff with it.

What a funny world we live, he?    ;)
The MES Anti-Prude Force
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It'sseems late to mention it, but Press books are always propoganda machines. That's the whole point of marketing really...


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Well I always go for the fair comparison. I've seen Unix-based languages (like C++ and perl) in action, and then I've seen windows -microsoft-produced- counterparts crash. Java's not a Unix-only OS but Sun's image drives me to think it's superior to M$ - besides, what ISN'T?