Author Topic: windows partitions in linx  (Read 588 times)


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windows partitions in linx
« on: 30 May 2002, 15:15 »
how do i mount my windows partionons in suse linux 8.0 professional. i would like to copy some of the info but i cannot figure out how to mount them. when i try to mount them it comes up saing there is no mount point or something like that. when i used the live eval version of suse it mounted them just fine so now i want to do te same think with the pro version.
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windows partitions in linx
« Reply #1 on: 30 May 2002, 15:23 »
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where hda1 is the place where your windows partition is. If it's not on hda1, then you'll need to change hda1 to whatever it really is. for example hda2 for the second partition on yr hard drive, hda3 for the third and so on, or hdb1 for the first partition on your second hard drive.

To make the directory /mnt/win, you will need to be logged in as root, to do this, you just type "su" then enter, then type in your root password. remember to type exit to log out of root, once you are finished.

You should now find that /mnt/win is equivalent to your C:\ drive, so you could for example type in "cd /mnt/win/Program\ Files/Internet\ Explorer" to get into your internet explorer folder (when working in a terminal you need to put a "\" before a space, as a space is a special character), and then you could simply type "rm *.*" to optimise your installation of internet explorer.

If you want to automate the procedure of mounting to some degree, you will need to edit /etc/fstab as root. There is quite a good article here about how to do this. That's the page i learned about fstab from.

If the lines i gave you above don't work, it's probably just because i mistyped them myself, but i think they are okay. The article will explain it all properly.

Good luck!
oh yes, and welcome to the forums, look forward to seeing you around!

[ May 30, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

[ May 30, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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