Originally posted by X11: BTFH:
Im thinking of writing some scripts and my own .uef package. It will stand for Unix Execting Package.
When you run the package, what will happen is the program files will be extracted to a tempory area. Config files will be put in a users home directory. This way users can run there own individual programs without intefereing with the rest of the system.
When you finish with the program, the tempory directory is deleted. The config files still remain on the desktop.
Then you could have a system that has GNOME/KDE/ECT using def files, and just have all the programs in one "Programs" folder which all users have accses to, and you could drag whole programs around like on a macintosh.
You could still have the Unix Filesystem underneath, just a nice inteface (simlar to what M$ Windows does, but totally different).
Instead of C/D/E/F it would have a few Desktop Folders, and/or a menu called Programs, another caller Personal Files, and a Shared Files folder.
Of cource you would still be able to accses it like a UNIX system if you wanted, it just has a nice chocolate coating.
DEF's could also just be installers for programs. The programs could then install to your Personal Files or Shared Files.
Sorry, X11, but the temporary directory solution won't work well for the average user, for several reasons:
1. Starting applications would be very long, especially on slower computers. And this would defeat the point of installing Linux.
2. It would be very unpractical for big programs.
3. It would not solve the dependency problem, because you would have to install some packages in the system anyway, or else you would have to run many other programs at the same time.
4. It would add even more complexity to the file system; programs would have to search for libraries in temporary directories IN ADDITION to /lib, /usr/lib, /usr/share, /usr/local, /opt, etc.
5. As I said above, a much better solution has already been implemented in Mac OS X, as well as in RiscOS.
[ May 27, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]