ho hum, just get linux, then use it.
so far, many people who whine on about how they hate windows have fallen into two traps when it comes to using linux instead:
1.) they don't fucking install linux
2.)even if they do, they never use it.
Quite frankly, you can read for sixty years about linux and never know how it works if you don't use it. Like anything, it's a lot easier when you know how it works and anybody who says otherwise is talking shit.
In answer, yes, there's DOS emulators and windows emulators, although the best ones are not entirely free (but when you're migrating from megabux Microsoft land, what's the difference?) also, like anything you will need to configure some stuff at setup time. Unlike many windows programs, the programs in linux tend not to make decisions for you, erase system files, and generally fuck up your life without your permission.
Good luck and all that...
dual booting's easy, if you still want to boot into windows, but that's an easy way to fall into trap no 2 and never use linux even if it's installed. just to take up space, here's how i would partition my drive to enable a dual boot linux/windows scenario
let us know how you get on, and welcome to the forums et c...
[ June 20, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]