Originally posted by Stryker:
First time poster, long time reader...
I have installed over 20 versions of linux with 100% success. BUT, Debian is being a bitch. To be more precise, Debian 2.2R7. I'm attempting to run it off of a Toshiba Satelite 1805-S204. Hardware details at:
http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/su/su_sc_outFrm.jsp?moid=128925& ct=DS&BV_SessionID=@@@@0338651007.1029851966@@@@&BV_EngineID=jadcelhjgkijbfekcghcfmfdglj.0
I get no sound, no video, no ethernet. I'm not sure about the mouse as I haven't been able to test it. It's the only version of linux I've ever had a problem of, with the exception of RH7.2, which I got the updated XFree86 stuff and it worked fine. (but of course I went right on to 7.3 which is a lot better anyways) Anyways, I heard debian was good and I want to be able to see it before I give it a sound opinion myself. Thanks people.
I've never done a laptop install, so I may not be much help.
You have no video? Have you tried setting up Xwindow? What version of X are you using, 3.3, 4.0, 4.1, or 4.2?
I think you're using "Potato", right? That comes with Xwindow 3.3 in the earlier versions. Of course, without an ethernet card configured, you can't apt-get update to a newer version of X. Damn, I can't really help you- I just don't know enough about a laptop install. IF you can establish an internet connection, I'd seriously suggest prowling around Debian's website; 2.2 is no longer the latest version, 3.0 "Woody" is, so 2.2 "Potato" has been moved to "archive"; you can still use apt to update, but you have to change /etc/sources.list to the new source for "Potato", and I don't know what it is. I'm sure your thouroghly confused now, but if you can use apt to do an upgrade, I think you'll be in a uch better position to complete your install; 2.2 "Potato" was around for about a year and a half, and LOTS of changes were made, especially in the area of laptops. Good luck, I wish I could be of more help, sorry.