Author Topic: Bill Gates: subliminal messages  (Read 1350 times)


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Bill Gates: subliminal messages
« on: 18 January 2002, 07:43 »
Ever notice how over the last year or so nearly every press release by Bill Gates or anyone else at M$ include several instances of the word "rich"?  "feature rich", "richly extensible", "rich user interfaces", ... I just about have to kneel down and puke all over myself every time I see this word used it occurs so often. It annoys me enormously, but I just can't quite figure out why.

Occasionally since then I've seen a few other companies use it.  It is obvious that the word is intentionally inserted into their speech and way too many times. Is it some sort of subliminal message?
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Bill Gates: subliminal messages
« Reply #1 on: 18 January 2002, 21:14 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
Ever notice how over the last year or so nearly every press release by Bill Gates or anyone else at M$ include several instances of the word "rich"?  "feature rich", "richly extensible", "rich user interfaces", ... I just about have to kneel down and puke all over myself every time I see this word used it occurs so often. It annoys me enormously, but I just can't quite figure out why.

Occasionally since then I've seen a few other companies use it.  It is obvious that the word is intentionally inserted into their speech and way too many times. Is it some sort of subliminal message?


Absolutely the word RICH conjures up imagery in the same way that the words FREE and SEX do. Microsoft uses that imagery as a major selling point for its products.

Even programming is effected by it ever hear of RICH text, in reality it is a very limited editor/wordprocessor but people use it continually I guess because it is RICH text.


[ January 18, 2002: Message edited by: Centurian ]



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Bill Gates: subliminal messages
« Reply #2 on: 18 January 2002, 17:56 »
Maybe it pisses you off because Bill Gates and his cohorts are too damned... RICH!
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Bill Gates: subliminal messages
« Reply #3 on: 20 January 2002, 05:10 »
could be some code, if you play the message backwards RICH becomes:
as in How Can I Ream [you]
or forwards
Redmond Is Controlling Humanity

i don't know, something like that.