Author Topic: Convert me to Linux...  (Read 518 times)


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Convert me to Linux...
« on: 1 August 2003, 02:37 »
Please forgive my ignorance, but I am trying to learn..  What can Linux do for me?  I want to try it out, but I'm not one for downloading it off the net...  My internet connection would not allow it, thus the only option for me getting it is through purchasing...  I'm not really a "techie" you could say... I want to learn programming and put it to good use, but until that time comes...

What can I do with Linux?  I could be considered a mere desktop user. I am nowhere near an administrator...  I just want to use it for multimedia, word processing, graphics, and of course gaming.  Are there many Linux games?  Or, is it just like poor Nintendo with not much third-party support?

Now.. more to the point... Knowing that I am more of a casual user, which Linux distrobution is best for me?  I don't need server utilities or anything, I just need usability...

So, that brings me to another point...  How does a person like me, who has been a brainwashed Windows user for 13 years make the transition to Linux?  Are there any "Complete Idiot's Guides" to doing this?  I mean, I don't even know if I can use a .txt as a text file extension in Linux, or if a .jpg is a picture....  

I'm sorry for the length, but I can't find the answers to these very ignorant questions. Though I am most likely not looking in the right places, I have looked...

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Convert me to Linux...
« Reply #1 on: 1 August 2003, 03:24 »
welcome to the fold, i'll basically just say that whichever linux you choose you will have what at first seem to be problems. linux is a lot more complicated than windows or macos from the perspective of the user because it has a lot more choice than those systems.

my advice is to go for Lycoris Desktop L/X (which is a nice simple linux that you will get familiar with and then grow out of) or else Mandrake (which tries to be a jack of all trades linux, in my opinion it is trying too hard to be user friendly while still retaining all the choice, as a result it is confusing) or red hat (supposedly a server & business workstation OS, it's actually nice and easy to install stuff and use (if you install apt), like what winNT is supposed to be like).

I bought Lycoris desktop for something like
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Convert me to Linux...
« Reply #2 on: 1 August 2003, 03:44 »
Buy a book or 10  :D  

Try here

Failing that (because you are broke student or something), try going to these sites and reading a bit.

In answer to ....

"I don't even know if I can use a .txt as a text file extension in Linux, or if a .jpg is a picture...."

You can and it is  

If and when you decide to leave the flock of $MS sheep and join the Penguins, just come back and ask questions. There are loads of very smart Linux users up here who will be willing to help you make the change to a better life free from the Evil Empire and D'arth Bill!


"The only dumb question is the one you din't ask!"  
Have fun


If Linux doesn't have the solution, you have the wrong problem.


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Convert me to Linux...
« Reply #3 on: 1 August 2003, 19:31 »
Redhat is available from some sites, for example, although they call it "XXX-XXX" there because of those stupid rules. Getting a book with the OS on CD's is pretty good though, that's how I got Redhat 8 the first time.