Well im just thinking back to the words of this customer service d00d who I e-mailed and told me that my modem could work under Linux. Well I would assume Void knows what he's talking about, so should I give up my search?
I guess this will be quite a nice Microsofty future for me then. Me and my buddy XP.
No, I can't switch to external. It costs more per month and is $100 extra. It's not so easy when you come from a family where you only get ADSL in the first place if you agreed to pay $10 of the 20 extra bucks per month over dial-up.
Of course my dad makes $45000-50000 a year, you could easily afford ADSL on that right? Maybe what my brother says is true, maybe my dad does constantly blow our money on hookers and im much poorer then a family of this income bracket should be.
(no im serious about this, my brother actually said that, and I don't love my dad enough to care what I say about him these days)