I ask these questions here, hoping to get responces from experienced and new linux users.
Heres what i'm worried about, or really the reasons why I am not motivated to switch(Im using Windows ME, and i'm still not motivated because of these things).
Graphics programs I use common:
Paint Shop Pro - switch file formats, palette editing, effects,
Macromedia Fireworks - art creation, effects, web page graphics(I like the magic wand tool)
Macromedia Dreamweaver - HTML editor. Do NOT suggest a non-WYSIWYG editor. They are fast, this one works right, and that's what matters
I need programs with lots of power, configuration, support and options.
File sharing programs:
What kinda options do linux users have?
Visual Basic 6.0 E.E. - I need this mostly for making utilities to work with roms. I am still a newbie at C++(I haven't learned any windows stuff yet - working with classes). When the time comes I will need to be able to program for Linux. If possible\applicable, describe your experience programming linux software, components, ect.
I will want to have access to CHM and HLP files, do you know of a linux app that supports these?
How do resources work out in the linux executable format?
How am I going to run my windows applications? I am planning on redhat(possibly mandrake)(do not suggest Lindows). What kinda difficulty is there involved with emulating windows applications?
I am doing research on this in the limited time I have, And hope for replies in the meantime.