Author Topic: MS submits 10 patent applications each day  (Read 915 times)


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MS submits 10 patent applications each day
« on: 5 May 2004, 03:46 »
From Slashdot

From the article
"The heat is on. Inside are some remarkable articles: 'You see, Microsoft is busy patenting everything it can lay its hands on with all three. In fact, Microsoft is now building up its patent arsenal, applying for a rather amazing 10 patents a day. The idea isn't to ensure that Microsoft makes a fair profit from its patents; it's to make sure that no one else can write fully compatible software.' An older article mentions some other patents.

Check out the links on slashdot... it's disgusting.
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MS submits 10 patent applications each day
« Reply #1 on: 5 May 2004, 16:30 »
its great! 10 inventions per day!