Hey Rio, long time no see.
Yep, work has been keeping me busy. I browse the forums a few times a week, but don't get the time to post that I would like
The commandline stay for when the GUI goes down and for people who want to use it like your self
The command line user interface sould disappear to the background for normal system administration.
To a certain extent this already happens in Linux, the problem I have with Linux is that some of the more powerful features are not easily discoverable. They are often hidden in the command line, you need to RTFM or ask someone before you know they exist.
You are correct that it takes more time to learn the command line. Fortunately though, it tends to be very consistent across the board. For instance, commands and their options don't differ a whole lot. Or what works on one command, tends to work on another.
I use Slack as my day to day distro, so I have the advantage of being forced to RTFM
I think the only distro I've seen recently where the command line could actually be forgotten was Suse. YaST makes installing RPMs a series of clicks.
I'm kind of curious to see how GenSTEP behaves. I know Jimmy isn't much of a fan of cryptic commands either, but I wonder how intuitive the GUI can be at this stage of the game (beyond basic KDE/Gnome functionality).
....speaking of cryptic commands, I keep having to delete a series of "j"s after editing something because I forget I'm not in VIM :-D