Couple of things. If you are going to do the "-u" on your sort then don't use the "uniq" in your pipe. However, whether using "sort -u" or "sort | uniq" the "uniq" command will look for entire lines that are matching, unless you give it a field parameter. If all you are concerned about is seeing the ID's and nothing else then this command would do what you want:
$ cut -f4 -d' ' test.txt | cut -f1 -d'@' | sort -u
Which will list your IDs like:
Do you want the entire line output? And what command did your data come from? Is the formatting exactly the same in your sample vs what is in your actual file? If the @ sign wasn't there it would be easy with a single sort command, in fact we could change the @ sign to a space and have it do what you want by:
$ cat test.txt | tr '@' ' ' | sort -k4,4 -u
which lists this:
nn tty nn awer xyz Async interface 00:00:52 PPP: 900.n.00.n00
66 tty 66 it xyzt Async interface 00:02:04 PPP: 900.6.00.649
n0 tty n0 lala xyz Async interface 00:00:0n PPP: 900.n.00.n29
n0 tty n0 skdj xyzt Async interface 00:00:06 PPP: 900.n.00.n82
n0 tty n0 user11 xyz Async interface 00:00:00 PPP: 900.n.00.n42
n0 tty n0 weoi xyzt Async interface 00:00:00 PPP: 900.n.00.n85
I would have to think a little more about doing it without changing the @ sign. This worked with the data you posted pasted into a file.
[ January 20, 2003: Message edited by: void main ]