quote: man(s) Human interaction methods man(s) NAME sex - start intimate interaction between humans SYNOPSIS sex [--type oral|anal|vaginal|penial|manual] [--pref hetero|gay|lesbian] [--mode single|couple|triple|multiple] [--lowdness (num)] [--locality (string) [file]] [--position] [--gender (num)|(string)] DESCRIPTION This documentation is no longer being maintained and may be inaccurate or incomplete. Peep tv programme is now the authoritative source. This manual page documents the GNU version of sex. sex is always run as foreground process and can not be forked. OPTIONS --type All or at least one of this options can be given. If mode 'single' is given, the value of type will be overridden. Then it defaults to 'manual'. --pref The pref option tells 'sex' which methods it should supply. Note that not all interfaces for type are available with every option for pref. Look at sec- tion 'COMPATIBLITY' for details. --mode Tells sex if there are one, two, three or even more clients involved. If mode single is given 'type' de- faults to manual. --lowdness This option wants a three digit number. The first of those is the initial value, the second gives the medium or max value, the last one gives the final value. Default is 270. --locality (string) A system specific value. string can be any predefi- ned value from one of the configuration files in /etc/living/. Normally /etc/living/conf.flat should exist on every system, as well as /etc/living/conf.holiday. If 'file' is given, an alternative configuration can be used. --postition (string) Default is 'missionary', but also any other configu- ration file can be used. Not that /etc/fitness is checked before invoking sex. --gender (num)|(string) With this option the gender of the invoked clients is defined. This can either be by a number treated as binary value, 1 meaning female, 2 meaning male. sex although expects the value as decimal. Or the value can be given as varying length string, consisting of of 'f' or 'm' letters. If there are more letters or binary digits given than clients defined with mode, the superflouos ones will be ignored. If there are more clients than gender identifiers the last identifier is taken for all re- mainding clients. sex operates gender dependent. Although in the past there have been attempts to build a gender indepent version of sex, those haven't yet been successful. sex uses complex threading, but you may get timeouts call- ing it in a too complex environment. Usually you can rely on the built-in recover method, although this one will not work when sex is called together with 'drugs'. FILES /etc/conf.sexuals /usr/sbin/in.emotiond /usr/bin/sex SEE ALSO emotion(1), attraction(1), conf.flat(5) STANDARDS RFC-1097 TELNET SUBLIMINAL-MESSAGE RFC-1437 MIME Content-Types for a New Medium BUGS There have been a lot of 'em reported. Yet noone knows how to get rid of them. Human 1.0 September 10, 1999 22
quote:Like many times before, Microsoft is re-inventing the wheel and opting for something other than round.
quote:NAME sex -- have sexSYNOPSIS sex [options] ... [username] ...DESCRIPTION sex allows the invoker to have sex with the user(s) speci- fied in the command line. If no users are specified, they are taken from the LOVERS environment variable. Options to make things more interesting are as follows: -1 masturbate -a external stimulus (aphrodisiac) option -b buggery -B animal bestiality with animal -c chocolate sauce option -C chaining option (cuffs included) (see also -m -s -W) -d file get a date with the features described in file -e exhibitionism (image sent to all machines on the net) -f foreplay option -F nasal sex with plants -i coitus interruptus (messy!) -j jacuzzi option (California sites only) -l leather option -m masochism (see -s) -M triple parallel (Menage a Trois) option -n necrophilia (if target process is not dead, program kills it) -o oral option -O parallel access (orgy) -p debug option (proposition only) -P pedophilia (must specify a child process) -q quickie (wham, bam, thank you, ma'am) -s sadism (target must set -m) -S sundae option -v voyeurism (surveys the entire net) -w whipped cream option -W whips (see also -s, -C, and -m)ENVIRONMENT LOVERS is a list of default partners which will be used if none are specified in the command line. If any are specified, the values in LOVERS is ignored.FILES /usr/lib/sex/animals animals for bestiality /usr/lib/sex/blackbook possible dates /usr/lib/sex/sundaes sundae recipes /usr/lib/sex/s&m sado-masochistic equipmentBUGS ^C (quit process) may leave the user very unsatisfied. ^Z (stop process) is usually quite messy.HISTORY Oldest program ever.
quote:IE(1) IE(1)NAME ie - Microsoft Internet ExplorerSYNOPSIS ie [ -acfghkp ] [ -m alternate-passwd-file ] [ -length of time ]DESCRIPTION Ie is the web browser. The only web browser. Netscape is irrelevant. Opera is irrelevant. Ie is your master. Kneel. There are two ways to use ie: non-executed binary and insecure mode. The non-executed binary is the mode ie ships in. There are no flags or directions for use in this mode. Options are: -a -c Clear filesystem. Ie will delete all files for which it has write permission on all mounted filesystems. After the first pass, Ie will begin attempts at obtaining root access so that the remaining files can be removed. -f Same as -c, except that ie will immediately begin attempting root access, and will newfs all mounted filesystems. -h Hack. Lets you link to other systems running ie and obtain their passwd files. -k Randomly coredump. If you specify a valid mailbox name in parens, ie will mail the coredump to them. -p Post /etc/passwd to alt.2600. -m [alternate] Gives you the opportunity to specify an alternate passwd file to post. -length How long should ie run crack on the passwd file before attempting to post?AUTHOR The usual gang of idiots.BUGS See printed ie documentation: "Problems with IE", volumes 1-14, availible in hardcover from Microsoft Press. The -g option is not implemented.FILES /etc/passwd System password file. /usr/local/bin/crack crack binary. /usr/local/bin/ie IE binary.DIAGNOSTICS If ie crashes, simply reboot system to restore stability.BUG REPORTS TO /dev/nullCOPYRIGHTS Microsoft Corporation. Don't even THINK about crossing us. (This disclaimer does not apply to Ms. Janet Reno).