This was on Red Hat 7.2 with kde 2.2. Red hat focuses on GNOME instead of KDE, so they may have had crappy KDE packages. Whatever the case, KDE is slow regardless of the RAM usage. Selecting text in Konqueror is slow and makes the computer choppy. No KDE app starts up as fast as a Windows app, and Windows is supposedly "bloated." Right now, I have IE, Kazaa, Photoshop 7, mirc, and MSN messenger running under Windows XP, and my CPU usage is about 4 percent and I have 380 out of 512 MB free. Mandrake Linux 8.2, on the other hand, consumes over half my RAM with no programs loaded at all under KDE. I looked on the KDE system guard (the KDE equivilant to the Windows task manager) and X alone was eating up over 270 MB of my memory! What an outrage! Equally outrageous was the fact that on this ultra-fast system (1.73 ghz athlon, geforce 4, half gig ram) KDE took over 15 seconds to start, (more than the whole Windows XP OS takes to start)resizing and moving windows in KDE was choppy, and frequently used programs like Konqueror took over 2 seconds to start, whereas IE, Office, etc load instantly under Windows. You can interpret all this any way you want, but I see it as proof that KDE under Linux is just as bloated, if not more, than any version of Windows.