Author Topic: Linux as a Desktop  (Read 1976 times)


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Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #45 on: 16 June 2002, 12:38 »
Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:

WTF??? 5 MINUTES??  I have an athlon 2100+ and it takes closer to 5 seconds to boot up.  Even on my 600 mhz it takes no longer than 15 seconds to boot up.

I'm not "spreading lies;" it's true that KDE is just as slow if not slower than any Windows UI.  Anyone who thinks of X as "cutting-edge" technology needs his head examined.  Why do you think Linux handheld makers had to ditch using X windows on embedded devices?  Because X is slow and bloated.

5 seconds my ass. My new box with XP took around 3 minutes from the power switch to the point where you could use programs. Ive never seen any machine boot that fast. Hell your machine is still in POST after 5 seconds. As for kde being slow with a 233mhz, yes it is, but thats like complaining that Max Payne doesnt work as fast on your 400mhz as it does on your friends 900mhz. 233mhz is the minimum kde reccommends.
Kansas City Hustle


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Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #46 on: 16 June 2002, 13:07 »
the min for WinXP is 600mhz i think it says, it's a big one.


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Linux as a Desktop
« Reply #47 on: 17 June 2002, 03:57 »
Sorry to dissapoint you XPee shithead but KDE 3.0 runs great on my Toshiba Satellite with an Intel Smelleron, sorry Celeron 650 MHz processor and 64MB RAM.