I think It won't move because it's an USB mouse.
To make it work, follow these steps:
(you must be logged in as root
1. Load the usbcore kernel module
"modprobe usbcore"
Find out which module you need for your USB interface. Try Loading each module with the command "modprobe [module name]" (you can choose between "usb-ohci" "usb-uhci" or "uhci")
If you get some error messages, then you didn't load the correct module, so try a diffrent one.
modprobe usb-uhci
modprobe usb-ohci
modprobe uhci
(err you understand right?
3. Now that you have the correct USB interface driver installed, load the modules hid and mousedev.
"modprobe hid"
"modprobe mousedev"
4. Now you may need to add an entry to /dev for the new mouse. If you don't have the file"/dev/mice" then you will need to add the following.
mknod /dev/mice c 13 63
5. If you want to use the mouse with X-Windows (I bet you want), then you will need to have the following lines in the mouse section of your XF86Config file.
If you have similar lines in the mouse section, as you should then just change them to match the above lines.
Now restart X and use your mouse
[ February 20, 2003: Message edited by: Abigail ]