Author Topic: Heeelp this Linux noob with tar files:(  (Read 1325 times)


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Heeelp this Linux noob with tar files:(
« Reply #15 on: 8 March 2002, 06:20 »
Audiogalaxy static version at cnet

 I downloaded the second one.

By the way thank you for your help...its not as if i
REALY need to get this program, i am just trying to learn how to untar tar files.
  This am sure looks like stupid to you :-D


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Heeelp this Linux noob with tar files:(
« Reply #16 on: 8 March 2002, 06:49 »
[L=null],10150,0- 1004- 103-0-1-7,00.html?tag=srch&qt=audiogalaxy&cn=&ca=10004]Audiogalaxy static version at cnet[/L]

i dont if this will work. same link tried to fix my mistake


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Heeelp this Linux noob with tar files:(
« Reply #17 on: 8 March 2002, 21:50 »
I think that is a binary package (I did not download it, but the "static" in it's name indicates it is already compiled and statically linked).  This means there is likely no "configure" script included.  You need the source code for that.  Download the source using this link:

The open up a shell prompt and change into the directory you downloaded the file to and type (without the $ signs):

$ tar -xvzf agbrowser-0.96.tar.gz
$ cd agbrowser-0.96
$ ./configure
$ make
$ su

Then enter your "root" password and type (without the # sign):
# make install

If you got no errors during the make and install process like I didn't then you should be able to exit from your root shell (type "exit").  Then type "agbrowser" to run the program.

Hope this helps. If you are running RedHat 7.2 and have the compiler installed correctly you shouldn't have a problem. And if you want to read the "how to compile this program instruction page" (which I didn't because it worked as I expect any source package to work) it is here:
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Heeelp this Linux noob with tar files:(
« Reply #18 on: 8 March 2002, 10:06 »
Whoops, did some more research and realized that is not the same program.  You wanted AGSatellite0520.  Here is another place to download it: but it sounds like you have already downloaded it.  If your copy is bad then get this one:

It is *not* source code but contains the executable.  So you would open a shell and change into the directory you downloaded and:

$ tar -xvzf AGSatellite0520-static.tar.gz
$ cd AGSatellite0520
$ mv AGSatellite0520-static AGSatellite
$ ./AGSatellite

Couple of notes.  If you notice there are upper and lower case characters in the above instructions.  This is important.  Also I found that "AGSatellite" does not run because you need to create a "shares.txt" and "account.txt" files.  Hopefully you can take it from here as I don't know what AGSatellite is or does.  Look through the FAQ on the web site and hopefully you can find the answers to make it run. Good luck

[ March 08, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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Heeelp this Linux noob with tar files:(
« Reply #19 on: 8 March 2002, 13:37 »
AGSatellite is one of those file sharing utilities that we heard about so much in the news last year, with it's own specific file sharing network setup.

I am a little embarrassed to admit it, but i am totally out at sea with installing from tar files, what with tarred executables and tarred source, .tgz files and what have you.
Can somebody place a link to a properly definitive guide to the myriad ins and outs of installation from tarballs?
i haven't really looked myself yet, and am about to, will post any good sites i find, but i ask just in case anybody has come across a good site recently in their own travels...

Thanks, all!
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Heeelp this Linux noob with tar files:(
« Reply #20 on: 8 March 2002, 14:08 »
I am a little embarrassed to admit it, but i am totally out at sea with installing from tar files, what with tarred executables and tarred source, .tgz files and what have you.

It ain't so hard. Once you download one, check out the extension. This will be:

*.tar.gz - This indicates a tar archive that's been compressed with gzip. Sometimes this will be shortened to: *.tgz

In that case use: tar xvzf WhatEver.tgz
Or: tar xvzf WhatEver.tar.gz

A .bz2 extension means that bzip2 was used. For these, the command is: tar xvjf WhatEver.tar.bz2

This will undo the compression and extract the archive. What I do is I've created a special directory called Install-Programs in my home directory just for this purpose. That's where I drop the "tarball" and unload it. Once you've done that, cd to your install directory. Since I keep this a clean directory, I know where everything is. If the writers of the tarball did any sort of decent job, there should be a couple of files called "README" and "INSTALL" (all caps). These contain the instructions on how you should proceed, whether you need to run something like:
./configure (Note: Unless the install directory is in your path, you need to use the ./ in order for BASH to find it. If you just try "configure", you'll probably get a "bad command" or "command not found" error.) Sometimes you can just type in "make" at the command prompt in order to compile the executable. make is really quite a versatile program that can also do the install, and perform any post-install clean up that may be required. Once you've verified that everything is working OK, you should remove any left over files from the install directory (keep it clean). Some can be discarded, but I'd keep the original tar archive and store it somewhere else. You never know when you might need it again.

Naturally, this may seem strange if you are coming from Winders. It really isn't so bad. The best thing to do is go ahead and give it a try. No better teacher than experience.
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Heeelp this Linux noob with tar files:(
« Reply #21 on: 9 March 2002, 05:33 »
And for those newbies who are confused when they can't run a program that resides in their current directory just by typing it's name, you *can* make it so you do not have to type the "./" to run the program.  Just add "." to your PATH in your ~/.bashrc.  Then when you change into a directory that has an executable it will be in your path as "." is the "current working directory".  Now, this is turned off for a reason.  It is a security risk for trojans if "." is in your path (if you have more than one user that uses your system). And since UNIX thinks about security first they do not add "." to your path.  If you need me to explain how this can be a security risk I can do that in a later post.  But if you wanted to add it just edit your ~/.bashrc file and add this:

export PATH
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