Author Topic: Where I can find a free vers of Lindows any help?  (Read 861 times)


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Where I can find a free vers of Lindows any help?
« Reply #15 on: 2 August 2002, 01:57 »
Exactly. What he should have said was "If you mean 'Lindows' as in the shoddy parasite feeding off the hard work and enthusiasm of the Free Software community and encouraging the continued use of Microsoft products then you're an idiot who doesn't know what this kind of thing does to the good name of GNU/Linux."

I think it's more likely that he was saying "Don't use warez as it harms proprietary software vendors," when he should have been saying "Don't use warez as it helps proprietary software companies"
I guessing though, so ignore me.
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Where I can find a free vers of Lindows any help?
« Reply #16 on: 2 August 2002, 06:06 »
most people started out by instaling there friends new copy of dos, and soon when win95 cam out, people wouldn't pay for it, but they would accept windowz bundled, now thats the small version, i could go into more detial but i don't want to
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
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4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!


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Where I can find a free vers of Lindows any help?
« Reply #17 on: 2 August 2002, 07:14 »
*groan* ok, i'm going to use my limited talents
at tact and diplomacy to try to direct this
away from the clusterfuck it's becoming and
possibly toward something that both 'loco' and
'myself' can use,...
i noticed 'Calum' mentioning mandrake to be his
favorite version of linux,...i've just actively
joined the rebellion myself and downloaded the
iso files to rip the cd's needed to load mandrake
on both my pc at home and my G4 at work,...
my question/questions are as follows,...mandrake
claims that it's OS and Mac's OS can coexist,...
are they talking about on the same partitioned
hardrive? i've attempted this only twice,...and
both times everything goes smooth until my
reboot after installation, the bootup gets to
my local host login(i think)and my screen goes
black,...any suggestions?(without flaming me
to a crisp,...heh)
should i think about just loading my linux
on it's own hardrive and not partition it for
both my MacOS and linux OS? and plan the same
for my pc at home,...(assuming, of course, that
i ever had an option)
sorry for the length,...but, if 'loco' is
looking for an alternative OS such as i have
been doing and considers mandrake as 'calum'
suggested, then maybe we both could get some
damn, gotta go,...seinfeld reruns!

one day it's 'please don't tell my parents!'
the next it's 'please don't tell my kids!'
where did it all go wrong?!


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Where I can find a free vers of Lindows any help?
« Reply #18 on: 2 August 2002, 07:39 »
Ah, Seinfeld reruns.. It's funny, I couldn't stand the show until it went into reruns.  Now I can't get enough of it.

I don't have a Mac so I can't give you first hand information, however, it looks like you should be able to dual boot from a single Mac hard drive according to this:
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