Author Topic: MS to share source code  (Read 2049 times)


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MS to share source code
« on: 1 August 2002, 00:25 »
Microsoft to disclose secret code

By Brier Dudley
Seattle Times technology reporter

In a striking departure from its secretive approach to software development, Microsoft is making some of its prized, secret compiler code available to university researchers as part of an effort to improve its relationship with academia.
Compilers are the equivalent of the transmission in a car. They translate software languages into the digital ones and zeroes understood by computer processors.

Developing compilers is complex and time-consuming so it's unheard of for large private software companies to share the code underlying their compilers, said Craig Chambers, an associate professor of computer science at the University of Washington.

But Microsoft is on a campaign to improve its reputation at universities and in corporate computing centers, where competition from products based on Linux and other collaboratively developed software is growing.

Under pressure from antitrust regulators and foreign governments, Microsoft is also allowing more governments, academic researchers and major customers to view its crown jewels, the Windows source code.

The compiler project, known internally as Phoenix, will be announced this week at Microsoft's third annual "research summit," a gathering of computer scientists from universities around the world that started today.

Some 325 academics are learning about research taking place at the company's 680-employee advanced-research division, which operates like a laboratory and mini-university on the Redmond campus and at facilities in Silicon Valley, Beijing and Cambridge, England. The company plans to increase the division by 10 percent this fiscal year, adding most of the new jobs abroad.

They are also learning how to apply for grants from the company, which spent $4.5 million last year sponsoring university projects.

Chairman Bill Gates said the company's relationship with universities is crucial and that more collaborative projects are planned.

"There's no doubt that the strength of the commercial software industry really comes because of the great work that goes on in the universities," Gates said. "And so we're getting smarter about how we can work together all the time."

Gates announced a new academic advisory board to provide input into the company's security, privacy and reliability efforts, but the Phoenix project was to be announced separately.

"We have an active project we're working on with universities to improve our compilers, compiler technology, working with them to make our code available to them for their work, their experimentation as well," said Rick Rashid, director of Microsoft's research division.

Chambers, the UW professor, would not discuss Phoenix until it is formally announced, but he said such a project could partly replace an effort to collaboratively develop a compiler in the 1990s that dwindled when the federal government cut off its funding.

Among the goals in building better compilers is to improve computing performance and build better programming tools, he said.

Rashid said Microsoft Research already works on numerous collaborative projects with universities, but the company is going further with Phoenix and the advisory board that Gates announced.

"We're trying to make sure we get a lot of perspective from all sides if they're key issues, that at least those issues have been heard through, talked through," he said.

Rashid said Microsoft has always had to come from behind in academia, where people are more familiar with the Unix operating system created by AT&T's Bell Labs than with Microsoft's technology. Microsoft is working to make sure universities "have the tools they need to teach Windows and Visual Studio and our other tools, in addition to using Unix and Java and whatever else they're doing," Rashid said.

The company also wants to broaden the use of its .NET software platform. Gates told academics yesterday that Microsoft is "feeling very good about the direction but it's another four or five years before all the promise of .NET really gets pulled together."

But competition is intense. Computer-science students in general are graduating with more expertise in Sun Microsystem's Java language, Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer told financial analysts last week, "and we need to get after that in the academic arena."
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MS to share source code
« Reply #1 on: 1 August 2002, 03:57 »
can i just say?...

just because somebody can read the code does not mean they can modify it for their own needs, or be free to redistribute it freely.

it's free as in beer, you know (no, wait...)
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MS to share source code
« Reply #2 on: 1 August 2002, 04:12 »
HPC GUY, i like your quote at the bottom of your post

"Most emcees will roast you, im not so leinent, im here to dominate you like a microsoft license agreement. "-Philosophy

Who is Philosophy? Is he a emcee? I havnt ever heard of him but im always looking for more good music to listin to.


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MS to share source code
« Reply #3 on: 1 August 2002, 05:36 »
"...Microsoft is making {B]some[/B] of its prized, secret compiler code available to university researchers..."

The day comes when they release the code and everyone yells out "WTF? Source code for solitaire.NET?!?"
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MS to share source code
« Reply #4 on: 3 August 2002, 00:12 »
Originally posted by trc3:
HPC GUY, i like your quote at the bottom of your post

"Most emcees will roast you, im not so leinent, im here to dominate you like a microsoft license agreement. "-Philosophy

Who is Philosophy? Is he a emcee? I havnt ever heard of him but im always looking for more good music to listin to.

well Trc3, thats quote is just shameless self promotion. i have nothing relesed...yet!

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MS to share source code
« Reply #5 on: 3 August 2002, 04:45 »
In a striking departure from its secretive approach to software development, Microsoft is making some of its prized, secret compiler code available to university researchers as part of an effort to improve its relationship with academia.
As with all things Microsoft, there is far less here than meets the eye. Release source code? Yes, but they be able to modify it and distribute the altered code? No way Jose; not a chance Sundance! Once again, we have a public relations ploy coupled to a hidden agenda. In the universities, UNIX has long been the main thing students learn on. It was UNIX that created a culture of hacking that centered on universities. It was this culture that led the way for Open Source, and ultimately the Internet. Now His Gatesness, a day late and a dollar short, as always, seeks to insinuate his way into that very culture. Too bad Bill, it ain't gonna work.    

Although it ought to be interesting to see what turns up. Perhaps we'll get to see just how horrible his code is, or, perhaps, how much was actually stolen from the BSDs.  :D  

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MS to share source code
« Reply #6 on: 3 August 2002, 07:48 »
"....When contacted by Channel 3 Action News, Satan stated:'I think that the temperature change in Hell started when Microsoft released some of their source code.  That Damned Gates has some tall explaining to do when I get my hands on him!!!' Mr. Gates could not be reached for comment."
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MS to share source code
« Reply #7 on: 5 August 2002, 01:05 »
no, all they want to do is show everyone the source code to there compilers, cuase then you couldn't work on gcc or anything
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MS to share source code
« Reply #8 on: 5 August 2002, 01:46 »
well Trc3, thats quote is just shameless self promotion. i have nothing relesed...yet!

Let us know when you do, I'll be sure to check out your ph@t jamz. Of course I'll be downloading from WinMX cuz im a slimy freeloader, no prob there right?  ;)
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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MS to share source code
« Reply #9 on: 5 August 2002, 10:34 »
Oh boy.  Micro$hit is going to release the source code for Solitare so people can see it, but not actually change or release modifications to it.  Linux is in real trouble now.

*laughs his ass off*
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MS to share source code
« Reply #10 on: 5 August 2002, 21:09 »
You guys make it sound like M$ is going "open source" and that is not even close to being true.  First of all, *you* are not going to see any M$ source.  They are only going to release specific pieces of source code to specific people/groups depending on the need and with extreme restrictions and costs.
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MS to share source code
« Reply #11 on: 5 August 2002, 22:33 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:

Let us know when you do, I'll be sure to check out your ph@t jamz. Of course I'll be downloading from WinMX cuz im a slimy freeloader, no prob there right?   ;)  

hahaha hey im down for supporting artists too but half of the shit i own is on mp3
  ;)  .

oh and void, i never posted this article in any thought that m$ is going open, i just thought it was amusing the they actually let some people even view a few lines of their crappy programming.
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MS to share source code
« Reply #12 on: 6 August 2002, 02:49 »
oh man the second the universities get ahold of the source code you cabn guarentee its giong to be all over the net.

straight hack style, i gotta get me a copy of it so i can finally take windoze apart.
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MS to share source code
« Reply #13 on: 6 August 2002, 03:14 »
But you still fail to realize that we are *not* talking about Windows code.  Nobody is going to see that code.  They are only talking about the compiler code.  Big frickin' deal, who would want to look at that?  GCC is a far better compiler anyway and you have always been able to get the source for it. They are only trying to enslave schools to help them improve their proprietary code.  And by the sounds of it, they will probably be successful in those schools that are already M$ nazis as some of you have said they have become.

[ August 05, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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MS to share source code
« Reply #14 on: 6 August 2002, 05:05 »
this amounts to a hill of shit.

MS is placating the U.S. (unsophisticated shithead) courts' decisions to "release the source code" so "windows is not so dependant on ms applications" to open so-called "competition" in the market.

when you are sleeping with the enemy, what do you have to lose.

the problem is the legislation is about a decade behind the technology, and the gap is getting bigger all the time.

besides, what do they have to lose?  the law wont catchy up with the TCPA until it is too late, and we are all borg-like slaves to his most excellent gates-ness.

(ok that was over the top) but this ain't shit.  it will be interesting to see the old code picked apart, but the compilation is so different by now, fuck it.

this is NOT the beginning of some open source movement in the microslit community, they will never, ever, do that unless some BRANIAC GENIUS LEGISLATOR sees the need to pry the fucker open.


[ August 05, 2002: Message edited by: sporkme / bob ]

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