Author Topic: cant log w/ linux  (Read 648 times)


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cant log w/ linux
« on: 17 June 2002, 05:12 »
I cant believe this is true.  I tried to log in to Account Managment systems for Optimumonline in my windows os, and everything worked out nicly.  Well I tried this in conquor, and it just brought me back to the page to log in again.  Mind you it didnt tell me that I had used the wrong password, just refreshed and acted as if I had done nothing.  So I went back on to my M$ box and everything worked out again!  Not even channging my browsing ID did anything.  

Can you believe it?  Are people out there really that scared that malicious hakers are the only people that use Linux?  Cant they trust someone when they get the Username PWd on the first try?  

Another anoyance due to fear of the OS.  Its not all that scary folks, you should all try Linux.  Its a great OS, not only used for bad purposes.  Honest!


psedit: sorry if anyone thought that this was about journaling file system.  

pps: Also, when I called tech support beacuse I thougth I forgot my username/pwd, they asked me if I would like to know how to confiugre outlook XPress.  what a joke

[ June 16, 2002: Message edited by: iustitia ]


You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?


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cant log w/ linux
« Reply #1 on: 17 June 2002, 15:31 »
lookout express? i have phoned tech support once in my life. They took 15 minutes to go through all the stuff i had already checked, then rung off, phoning me back, ringing me back to tell me it was a problem at their end (this is for my then ISP)

Yes, i have had this problem with a couple of sites when using Opera, too. As you say, identifying as something else doesn't help. Oddly enough this exact same problem does occur with the email service, which is run by (according to netcraft they are running Apache/1.3.6 (Unix) mod_perl/1.21 on Linux) using windows with mozilla 1.0... odd, also odd, that it does not happen when using windows with Opera 6, identifying as mozilla.

So is it really OS paranoia? (it might be, bigmailbox might be paranoid against people who don't use linux!) or is it something altogether more boring? (like some crappy javascript incompatibility for example...)?
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