hmm, but what if i had a red hat rpm with a binary for linux running XFree, and i wanted to run it under slackware? could i run
macicalmysteryconverter2.3 on it and turn it into a tgz package (assuming the utility works) or is it just not possible to have such a utility?
What's the package format for OSX now i think about it? and will rpms work on debian or am i stuck with only .deb and source if i get debian? it would irritate me that an rpm containing binaries for X couldn't be installed on a debian or slackware system, you know? Also, many binaries are compatible across more systems than they have been tested on. Many red hat rpms have installed and run no problem on my various mandrake systems from 8.0 up. And that's different red hat rpms from 5 or 6 up. And i am sure many other distros can run each other's rpms too, so why should some deb packages also not translate perfectly? if only they could be converted to some useful format.
what i'm saying is, if it would run on there, can it be converted? I know trying to run one binary on another OS is doomed from start to finish (WINE will always be a failure to me for instance, even though i might be forced to use it soon when my university expects me to use shockwave
) but that's off topic!
i know i said be general, but here's a specific (selfish) question as an on topic aside!: basically i will be choosing from one of these two sites to buy linux cds from: gives me a choice of:
red hat
pink tie (clone of red hat)
vector linux (user friendly slackware)
progeny (based on debian)
best linux (similar to red hat)
storm linux
corel linux
now i don't give a single hoot about 'what's best' from this lot, but if anybody has any knowledge about which of these has what package management then please add two cents worth or more. i will be looking it all up for myself too, but again i blather and blither, sorry, back to the general discussion i think, or it'll just be another 'calum asks for help' thread!
One last thing, void main, i take it that apt for rpm works only with rpms, and NOT with deb packages? i know you just said that (or i think you did) but i just ask it because i had hoped that the apt thing would work with real debian packages, and now i see it is just the same excellent setup but for rpms rather than debs.
[ December 16, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]