Author Topic: Fedora  (Read 528 times)


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« on: 17 May 2004, 22:26 »
I currently run libranet. It is a debian derivative.

I am sort of getting tired of its age, however. It is permanatly pinned to stable apps, and it has issues with upgrading any of the WM's and the kernel and core components.

What i want to do is drop it.

I was considering going back to windows, but i didnt want these past 2 years to be for naught.

So here is my decision.

Go straight to debian, pure debian and not a knockoff, or go to fedora.

I say debian, because i love APT-GET, and its ease, and i say fedora, because it seems to be the newest and freshest distro around.

However, does fedora use the standard KDE/GNOME WM's? Or does it use its own? Will i miss the apt-get system if i use fedora? Or is there a similar thing for fedora?

So im wondering your opinion which is better.


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« Reply #1 on: 18 May 2004, 03:56 »

yes, there is KDE/GNOME for Fedora (Red-hat fork)

whie apt is not included, it is availible.

but Fedora does not use dpkg, it uses APT instead.

wait for Fedora Core 2 though. (it will be out within 2 weeks, it is just coming across to the mirrors now)
2 motherfuckers have sigged me so far.  Fuck yeah!


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« Reply #2 on: 18 May 2004, 04:25 »
However, does fedora use the standard KDE/GNOME WM's? Or does it use its own? Will i miss the apt-get system if i use fedora? Or is there a similar thing for fedora?"

Fedora Core 2 (I currently use Fedore Core 2 Test 3 until the final product will be available on May 18th) features:
- GNOME 2.6
- KDE 3.2.2
- SELinux (disabled by default)
- Kernel 2.6
- Xorg-x11 6.7 (replace XFree86 4.4)
- XFC4 included in addition of GNOME/KDE

Like Sauron said, apt-get is supported but comes separately. You can also use Synaptic that is a GUI apt-get. You can also use Fedora own package managemnet called YUM in console mode.

One note for multimedias. Due to the stupid US patent policies, any support for mp3 software such as MPlayer, Xine are not included. However, you can find them in sources like Livna, Freshmet.

P.S: there is an issue with Nvidia driver(from the official website) due to the Kernel that enabled 4STACKS on Fedora Core 2 Test 3. I don't know if the final product has that feature disabled though.