Author Topic: So the American department of "Homeland Insecurity" Spent $90m on Windowz ...  (Read 884 times)


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And now they are winging about apparent flaws and e-security laziness in said OS.

Well whomever it was that OK'd the purchasing of Williams renound OS for this type of work is clearly a "COMPLETE HOMER", and their brain is definitely defective. They should pop down to Walmart and demand an exchange unit and save themselves further embarassment.
As for this statement...

"Essentially, the bug can allow malicious attackers to seize control of users' machines to steal files, read e-mails and launch wide-scale attacks that could damage the Internet as a whole"

Stop talking out of your posterior you pompous prat! What you actually meant to say was it could damage all $MS machines on the internet, and good riddance to them quite frankly.

If Linux doesn't have the solution, you have the wrong problem.


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At the same time, Microsoft in Sweden says if you have installed the latest updates you are 100 % safe from attacks. Attacks from what, sharks?  :D
"The gentleman is dead, the feminists killed him" Anonymous


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This is said to be partly because Microsoft issues patches so frequently that they are increasingly being ignored. Last year the software giant issued about 70 patches, and about 30 have been made available this year.

   :eek:   Holy crap.  Release it now, fix it later.  

I have to use my mom's Windows box until I replace the CPU for my Linux box.  I told her of the vulnerability and that I'd patch it for her.  When I started downloading about 15 megs of patches she canceled it and said it wasn't worth it.  Although I've offered her peace of mind with Linux, she'd rather keep her security at risk.  Wait until the hackers exploit this 100% - think anyone will learn?

[ August 02, 2003: Message edited by: Meshuggener ]


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Remember, we're talking about the government here. Competence has never been its strong suit. It should come as no surprise since these decisions are made by anonymous bureaucratic flunkies who will never be held accountable. Then there's the inertia ("Noone ever got fired for buying Microsoft") the lack of imagination, the endless need to spend money. Wouldn't surprise me to see them install Linux, all the while paying off those M$ licenses. $90 million? A tiny fraction of what they waste every year.

The efficiency of the Department of Homeland Security in action. Oh boy! I feel safer already!  :rolleyes:
Live Free or Die: linux

"There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore"
      --Daffy Duck
Live Free or Die: Linux
If software can be free, why can't dolphins?


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Do what thousands of people around the world do : if the government or any other organization pisses you off about something let them hear about. Let them hear it so god damn loud that the go deaf.  ;)
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that