Author Topic: joystick  (Read 583 times)


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« on: 23 June 2002, 21:57 »
i happened to be at walmart and say a 10 dollar usb gamepad, i knew that linux was compatible with some joysticks and such so i wasted the 10 dollars on it. as of now i can read binary data off of the thing, now how do i use it has an hid devices, like control X-windows with it
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« Reply #1 on: 23 June 2002, 23:50 »
Originally posted by choasforages:
i happened to be at walmart and say a 10 dollar usb gamepad, i knew that linux was compatible with some joysticks and such so i wasted the 10 dollars on it. as of now i can read binary data off of the thing, now how do i use it has an hid devices, like control X-windows with it
USB support in Linux is fairly spotty.  For instance, because there aren't standards for scanners, I've got a U-MAX Astra 3400 that I can't use in Linux unless I write my own Driver and backend.  That's be cause U-Max doesn't release their driver information.  On the other hand, almost all Epson devices are as close to plug-'n-play as you'll get in Linux, including their USB stuff.
You might have some luck if you do some Google searching, try " USB drivers for joysticks in Linux."  If you know who the manufacturer was, you might find a driver fairly easy.
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??


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« Reply #2 on: 24 June 2002, 06:16 »
ahh, it worked by defualt/*well /sbin/modprobe joydev but thats minor*/ and i could use it to control xmms, and play quake3 and icculus quake2 but i have been looking allover and can't find a howto on how to do it. and i don't know a nuff about X too do anything other then follow instructions. i just want to use it to mystify my windoid friends.  "your running it with a joystick, boner". and i also think it would kick ass to run a gui from a gamepad. and it would add to the odd hardware setups i have/*the other on is a jaz drive on an OpenBSD system setup as /tmp*/
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
ppc: the fruity way
mips: the graphical way
sparc: the sunny way
4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!