that might well not work, since windows does not even recognise many of it's own file formats let alone other people's.
i am tempted to post a link to that ridiculous 'how to uninstall a unix system and install windows' doc that Microsoft maintains on its site, but i won't because quite frankly, you should be able to find it yerself if yer that interested.
i suggest giving linux a chance. and i also suggest using lilo next time, btw...
edit - and that cd booting thing won't work if he can't boot from the cd drive will it! did you change it in the BIOS to boot from the cdrom? if you cannot get into the BIOS to do this, then reset the BIOS clock, there's probably a switch inside yer machine to do this, refer to your manual, then because the clock has been reset, the machine will go into the BIOS next time you start the it and you can fiddle with all the settings.
[ September 03, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]