Author Topic: why does mplayer have to hate me so much?!  (Read 967 times)


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why does mplayer have to hate me so much?!
« Reply #15 on: 20 December 2002, 02:52 »
its cool, thanks anyway. maybe i'll switch to redhat.

and if anyone else is reading this, yes i set the execute permission on the bin file that you download.
Dr kelso; Didn't you get my memo about looking professional, and whereing your lab coat at all times?

Dr. Cox; well you know what? i did...and i threw it away. But then i didn't feel like that was a strong enough gesture so i erected a life like figure of you out of straw, put my lab coat on it, put your memo in the pocket, and invited all the local neighborhood children to light it on fire and beat it with sticks!

heard it on Scrubs, quite possibly the funniest show on tv


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why does mplayer have to hate me so much?!
« Reply #16 on: 20 December 2002, 03:40 »
On a side note, I did just get MPlayer to work with RealVideo/Audio on my Red Hat 8.0 box. I downloaded the source RPM (# apt-get source mplayer) and added the following lines to the configure section of the mplayer.spec file:

Code: [Select]

This requires RealPlayer to also be installed (because it uses RealPlayer's native codecs) *or* you can download just the RealPlayer codecs and put them in /usr/lib/win32 and change the "with-reallibdir" directive above to point to "/usr/lib/win32". Then build the rpm by:

# cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
# rpmbuild -bb mplayer.spec

There are some development packages that need to be installed to build it, when you try to build it will tell you which ones are needed. Then install:

# cd ../RPMS/i386
# rpm -Uvh mplayer* --nodeps --force

Now it should work.

Now for your slackware installation you could add the same configure options (--enable-real and --with-reallibdir). You could download and put the RealPlayer codecs in your /usr/lib/win32 directory and it should work.

Get the RealPlayer codecs here:

Once you install the codecs and configure/compile/install MPlayer accordingly it should work with RealVideo/Audio.

[ December 19, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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why does mplayer have to hate me so much?!
« Reply #17 on: 20 December 2002, 04:22 »
uhhh, i though it would be easyer to just install realplayer and point mplayer at the *native* librarys, or does that not work. and what about helix.
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
alpha, hewlett packed it A-way
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why does mplayer have to hate me so much?!
« Reply #18 on: 20 December 2002, 04:59 »
By native libraries do you mean native MPlayer codecs? If so I am fairly certain MPlayer does not include such codecs. You have to get the codecs included with RealPlayer or from the other place I linked to (which I believe are nothing more than the codecs normally included with RealPlayer).

If you have something to add that you are sure about I am sure the original poster would be greatly appreciative of it. I am nearly certain he can get RealVideo/Audio support working with the intructions I gave him (not the Red Hat specific instructions but the last part of my post should work for Slackware). The link containing the RealPlayer codecs I got directly off of MPlayer's download page.

[ December 19, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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why does mplayer have to hate me so much?!
« Reply #19 on: 20 December 2002, 08:49 »
Originally posted by X11:
just use mplayer

Were you dropped on your head as a baby?
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