On a side note, I did just get MPlayer to work with RealVideo/Audio on my Red Hat 8.0 box. I downloaded the source RPM (# apt-get source mplayer) and added the following lines to the configure section of the mplayer.spec file:
This requires RealPlayer to also be installed (because it uses RealPlayer's native codecs)
*or* you can download just the RealPlayer codecs and put them in /usr/lib/win32 and change the "with-reallibdir" directive above to point to "/usr/lib/win32". Then build the rpm by:
# cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
# rpmbuild -bb mplayer.spec
There are some development packages that need to be installed to build it, when you try to build it will tell you which ones are needed. Then install:
# cd ../RPMS/i386
# rpm -Uvh mplayer* --nodeps --force
Now it should work.
Now for your slackware installation you could add the same configure options (--enable-real and --with-reallibdir). You could download and put the RealPlayer codecs in your /usr/lib/win32 directory and it should work.
Get the RealPlayer codecs here:
http://ftp.lug.udel.edu/MPlayer/releases/codecs/Once you install the codecs and configure/compile/install MPlayer accordingly it should work with RealVideo/Audio.
[ December 19, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]