Author Topic: Isn't apt-get for rpm fantastic?  (Read 566 times)


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Isn't apt-get for rpm fantastic?
« on: 12 December 2002, 21:00 »
The few months I spent with SuSE gave me mixed feelings about linux, I never considered to give up on it but I was kind of a little disapointed.
In the past few weeks, ever since void main fixed my dhcp issue   ;)  , not a single install failed on me.
I installed Q3 back, UT2003, mplayer + skins, wine, and I could keep on going, not a single error and everything works!!!!
I even found a server browser for Quake3 that looks and works like ASE in Windows!

Now I just downloaded a couple of rar-ed music videos which I couldn't decompress.
Fired up synaptic, scrolled down to "u" and a few clicks later I could unrar my files.

Man, this shit is simply fantastic!
He was sitting on a rock. He was barefoot. His feet were frosty with ice-nine .....