Author Topic: Idiots still rambling that Windows is more secure...  (Read 974 times)


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Idiots still rambling that Windows is more secure...
« on: 12 September 2003, 21:28 »
Read the first 2 paragraphs of

This guy claims to be a computer expert, but in my opinion he's just a moron who can't accept the truth to which the evidence gets more stronger each day. For the second week in a row he claims that Windows is more secure than Linux. It's idiots like this who contribute to people's denial of the stupidity and unsecurity of Microsoft.


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Idiots still rambling that Windows is more secure...
« Reply #1 on: 12 September 2003, 23:57 »
i don't know where that guy gets his facts from.  i have never heard of that before.  could find and post a link to an article that disproves that?  thanks.
save the penguins, bust the trusts!
"If Bill Gates had a nickel for every time Windows crashed... oh wait, he


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Idiots still rambling that Windows is more secure...
« Reply #2 on: 13 September 2003, 02:18 »
On the flip side of the coin, I should point out that Linux still suffers from far more security bugs and other vulnerabilities than Windows does. Researchers at mi2g Intelligence Unit, which has been tracking and verifying computer-based vulnerabilities since 1995, say that in August 67 percent of all successful and verifiable attacks against servers targeted Linux, compared with just 23.2 percent that targeted Windows--and August was the month during which SoBig.F and MSBlaster hit. Furthermore, 12,892 e-business sites running Linux were successfully breached during that month, compared with just 4626 sites running Windows. Windows vulnerabilities get more press because more people run Windows on the desktop, so any Windows-based worms or viruses will generally affect a far larger group of individuals. But anyone who thinks that jumping to Linux is a cure-all should think again. Even if you don't consider the usage numbers, everyone's favorite open-source poster boy is still a huge target for attackers.

There you go


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Idiots still rambling that Windows is more secure...
« Reply #3 on: 13 September 2003, 02:22 »
xeen, with all due respect, he doesn't like MSIE..

Mozilla Firebird 0.6, the standalone Web browser from the Mozilla Foundation. I've been using a variation of Mozilla for several months now (I currently use Firebird), and it's rock solid.

That doesn't sound idiotic to me.. (Considering he uses the same browser I do) ^_^


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Idiots still rambling that Windows is more secure...
« Reply #4 on: 13 September 2003, 08:48 »
mi2g, that's only one source and who knows how reliable they are....  i personnaly don't believe in that figure mostly because of the source reliability issue and because there was no link to the article where he got the quote from.

but this guy doesn;t look like a brainwashed ms user, but maybe a misinformed one.
Ballmer needs a firm kick in the ass.... (since he has no balls)


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Idiots still rambling that Windows is more secure...
« Reply #5 on: 14 September 2003, 02:00 »
here are the letters to the editor about that article
Ballmer needs a firm kick in the ass.... (since he has no balls)


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Idiots still rambling that Windows is more secure...
« Reply #6 on: 14 September 2003, 02:51 »
On the flip side of the coin, I should point out that Linux still suffers from far more security bugs and other vulnerabilities than Windows does. Researchers at mi2g Intelligence Unit, which has been tracking and verifying computer-based vulnerabilities since 1995, say that in August 67 percent of all successful and verifiable attacks against servers targeted Linux, compared with just 23.2 percent that targeted Windows  

WTF?!? Winodows is vulnarable to 99% to attacks and Linux is like 1%, You dont come across a Linux virus or worm everyday do u? when u can get them off websites and p2p in windows that will harm u its realy rare to find anything for linux
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