excellent job! i viewd it using IE/win2000 with no shockwave plugin and it brings up the 'do you want shockwave?' box, when i click no it brings up the box again! ad infinitum! of course you cannot close the window while the box is onscreen so you need to click OK and then really quickly push ctrl-W to close the window! in my opinion this is just the sort of annoying thing we need to do to windows users!
edit - i don't like your big signature though, fuckoff, any chance you might make it a bit smaller? ta. just thinking of the dialups, and to make the forums a bit easier to read.
same goes for MoR now i think of it, if he's reading this. X11's current sig is about as big as it needs to get i think...
[ October 03, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]