Author Topic: Help With Knoppix Linux Live CD  (Read 2358 times)


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Help With Knoppix Linux Live CD
« Reply #15 on: 30 August 2002, 21:46 »
Turns out it would have been a little more diificult than I first thought since it uses a compressed filesystem image inside the iso9660 ISO image. I needed the "cloop.o" kernel module so I got that and compiled it but the kernel included with RedHat must be too far off in versions to use it as there were several unresolved symbols.

So then I thought of a MUCH easier way to try it out without actually burning the CD. Since I am a proud owner/user of VMware I just created a vew virtual machine with 256MB of RAM and a virtual CDROM device pointing to the ISO and booted it in a virtual machine. Worked like a champ and it is FAST because it's actually booting from an ata100 drive rather than a slower CDROM. I guess I could go the next step and remaster the ISO from within the VMware booted knoppix session (has cloop obviously). Then I would be able to whittle it down below 650MB and burn it to the smaller CDRW.        

And regarding your technology statement. Operating systems *used* to fit entirely on a 180k floppy, and before that they fit nicely on a piece of paper tape, and before that many a wires were patched, and before that...    

[ August 30, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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Help With Knoppix Linux Live CD
« Reply #16 on: 30 August 2002, 13:41 »
Jesus Christ on a cracker!!! I knew that I was in the midst of intelligent people, but truly are smart! It's people like you that are scaring the shit out of Bill Gates, and I do hope that you'll be able to finally get these shitty OS's off of our desktops, and get us ones that actually work without being so draconian:)

I'm contemplating Mandrake Linux right now as I don't have to partition my small hard drive, and I'll be able to use Linux until I get rid of this piece of shit;)

I got into the technology with the "Timex/Sinclair," and then the huge leap to an "Atari 600XL with 64k of Ram!" For me it is impressive because all I'm used to is Windoze, but gotta admit that there is a "Gee Whiz" in there, eh?

If you don't mind me inquiring, were you injured or have an operation for you to be taking the happy drugs?



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Help With Knoppix Linux Live CD
« Reply #17 on: 30 August 2002, 22:49 »
I'm not that smart at all, I just don't use an OS designed to make you dumb. All the stuff I did is simple in Linux, in fact the VMware thing took all of 5 seconds, and it was point & click. It's really fun when you have all the tools you need right out of the box (or off the FTP server) and the vendor does not make the decision for you about what you are allowed to do and not to do.

As far as my little accident I tried a nack-nack for the first time on my dirt bike. Landing on my head and shoulders from an altitude of about 10' over a distance of 50' @ 40MPH caused my left collar bone to shatter (imagine that). I was pulling off some pretty cool combos all day prior to that one. Guess I didn't calculate the last trick properly. Then today my doctor informed me that I was too old to be doing that kind of stuff (now he tells me).
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Help With Knoppix Linux Live CD
« Reply #18 on: 30 August 2002, 23:13 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
I'm not that smart at all, I just don't use an OS designed to make you dumb. All the stuff I did is simple in Linux, in fact the VMware thing took all of 5 seconds, and it was point & click. It's really fun when you have all the tools you need right out of the box (or off the FTP server) and the vendor does not make the decision for you about what you are allowed to do and not to do.

As far as my little accident I tried a nack-nack for the first time on my dirt bike. Landing on my head and shoulders from an altitude of about 10' over a distance of 50' @ 40MPH caused my left collar bone to shatter (imagine that). I was pulling off some pretty cool combos all day prior to that one. Guess I didn't calculate the last trick properly. Then today my doctor informed me that I was too old to be doing that kind of stuff (now he tells me).

That's why I gave up riding YEARS ago.  I had a Norton Atlas; faster'n stink, I was coming home one night (I hadn't been drinking, thank God!); I came around a blind curve and there were (what appeared to be) 10,000 COWS IN THE ROAD!!  English bikes went like the hammers of Hell, but they didn't stop all that well, so I figured on doing some quick off-road riding; I was goin' along great, until the bike and I got separated, and I landed on a rock; busted the shit outa my right hip.
Bikes are very cool; I'd like to find a Brough or a Velocette to restore, but it's just too damned dangerous to ride today (besides, after that little stroke, my coordinations kinda fucked up.)
Doctor's right; you're too old!
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??


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Help With Knoppix Linux Live CD
« Reply #19 on: 31 August 2002, 00:26 »
Yeah, I've been pretty lucky. Been riding dirt and street since I was 5 and didn't break a single bone until Saturday. I believe riding *can* be very safe, as long as you are a smart rider. Anticipation of other people and objects (including cows) on the road is the key to safe street riding. Along with a properly maintained bike and proper safety equipment.

The problem is, sometimes (most of the time?) fun and adreneline overcome smart riding, especially in my case on the dirt side of the house. Never bite off a larger bite than you can chew (which is what I did) until you have methodically worked your way up to it (which is what I didn't do).
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Help With Knoppix Linux Live CD
« Reply #20 on: 31 August 2002, 15:19 »
Well, I hope you heal real fast, so you can get back in the saddle again, so to That's if you have the inclination to do so, again.

I have to screw with things, I went and downloaded Mandrake Linux, and I just installed it, and it no worky! I went onto a Mandrake Bulletin Board to ask what I could do to fix it, and since you people are "Linux Gods" I am hoping that I can get double the help, here's what I wrote, and thanks in advance.


I am having problems getting Mandrake to load up.

I have allocated 3 gigs for Mandrake, and the rest for my Windoze 98 SE, and I'm pretty sure that I've configured everything right, and before I delve into what is going on, Here is what I have for a computer...I'm sorry for the bad language that will follow;)

Compaq Presario 5360
AMD K6 450mhz with the 3D Now crap thingy
Voodoo 3000 PCI 3D Accelerator/Video card
256 megs of Ram
Ess Solo 1 Sound card
10 gig hard drive

What is happening is it will load up with no problem with the opening screen, but when I press "I" to have the interactive boot up, it ignores that, and then I am taken to black screen, and it has "login:", and even before I get a chance to press anything....the screen goes black, and my monitor shuts down, and my whole computer is locked up to the point that I have to pull the power cord out.

I should point out that I have had problems with Knoppix Rescue OS (It has a totally working Linux OS all on 1 disk...Kool!), and I wasn't able to get it to load, and it would also lock up my computer. I contacted Knoppix about this, and I was instructed to add this line of instructions at the beginning of boot up sequence: knoppix noapic nousb nopcmcia noscsi noagp nodma It worked, and I haven't fiddled with it to figure out what the problem was/is by eliminating each one by one until it locks up again, but I hope that this might help with identifying my problem(s).

Thanks in advance,


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Help With Knoppix Linux Live CD
« Reply #21 on: 31 August 2002, 15:34 »
What happens if you don't press 'I'. Because I never do when I boot a mandrake machine.
Contains scenes of mild peril.


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Help With Knoppix Linux Live CD
« Reply #22 on: 31 August 2002, 16:22 »
It does exactly the same thing. It just....dies, and locks everything up, and an Empty screen. Sort of like life, eh?lol Sorry, had to throw a bit of levity in there;) Any ideas to fix it...the Mandrake Linux, not the levity I mean.:)
