Author Topic: The Tick Archive Format  (Read 490 times)


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The Tick Archive Format
« on: 26 June 2003, 12:14 »
I've been working on a Linux Installer system. I created an archive format that has the headers and table of contents at the end. that way the executable can still run with the data embedded. recently i had a series of revelations so I made it much more extensible. Can anyone guess why? before you continue reading this post, I want you to think for awhile about embedding data at the end of executables.

That's right, application icons built in, meta data, dependency information, maybe even shared libraries embedded in, in the concept of the Mac package thingy. No, this wouldn't void the point of shared libraries: I didn't say *all* the libraries needed to be in the executable. And shared libraries can still be shared in memory. There's even more stuff possible. Getting the open source community to use it is my question. the format will be all standard once I stabilize my code and finish thinking through the design. The format will be open and completely non proprietary, there will be a library, and the tools to use it from the command line as well as all code in the project is GPLed. Why hasn't anyone else created such a standard format, and if anybody actually did (but I couldnt find it), then why didn't it catch on? if anybody knows, I would be extremely appreciative. I just think the features and usability improvements that coudl come out of something like Tick could be very beneficial for the Linux operating system in general.
Komodoware, moving Linux to your desktop.


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The Tick Archive Format
« Reply #1 on: 26 June 2003, 12:41 »
That sounds cool... so what you just double click on the file and boom its installed, even easier than RPM?
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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The Tick Archive Format
« Reply #2 on: 26 June 2003, 21:31 »
Yes, all 'packages' would be a Tick archive with an executable at the beginning, and icon and file data after that. I think the interesting thing about using Tick as a package format is that it's backward-compatible to systems that don't have actual support for Tick archives. Say the Linux community adopted a format based on Tar for such Mac-style packages. Older Linuces would not be able to run it without modification. With Tick, the executable can be set to run itself.

To install *could* be very simple. The executable itself could do it. The executable would 'mv' itself over to the software directory, maybe add something to the archive to tell it it is now installed, and bam. I think it would be much more preferable however to create a hidden directory and extract the Tick archive into that, then whenever the executable runs it runs it from there.

Who knows how that will work but it's possible.

but it can do much much more.
On windows, executables have their own icons and have embedded author/copyright/license data. This could easily be done (provided it gets KDE/GNOME support). I think the most sensible and useful feature it could provide would be the dependency information. (ie: what packages/libraries does this need to run)

With Linux's binfmt system, the non-visual features that Tick could provide would not need support from vendors or other projects (except when it comes to inclusion in a distribution).

I'm gonna do some prototyping and thinking on this stuff and see what I can come up with.
Komodoware, moving Linux to your desktop.