alright.... sounds like an easy enough request... but i'm going to bed afterwards
erm.. Lilo doesnt look as good. There is no background image, it looks quite basic. It cant handle partitions with OSes that are over i think its a gig past the beginning of the hard drive. They might have upgraded that by now though. Im not sure if you can edit the actual boot options from Lilo but i know you can do things like go to single user mode (for fixing the boot options in a very limited runlevel of linux)
And.. Grub can have a, somewhat limited, background image. Looks better. You can edit the actual boot options at the loadup a bit more (in case you fucked it up). I dont believe it has limits on the hard drive as to how close to the beginning of the drive the OS partition ahs to be.
So, really grub can do everything lilo can do and more.
I'm really not to sure why some of the other Linux(es) dont use it instead of lilo. I think Slackware, debian, EvilE, still use Lilo.