I really liked this part:
Here, for example, we have the whistleblower's nemesis, the unreadable or disappearing document: "...our forthcoming Office 2003 productivity software suite will enable users to designate who can open a document or email message, and specify the terms of use - for example, whether they can print, copy or forward the data. A rights management add-on for Internet Explorer will extend these protections to Web content." And you won't be able to do business with people using Microsoft rights management unless you're playing rights management too.
This will not result in a neo-Stalinist world where information flow is tightly circumscribed and where embarrassing/contentious documents disappear from the Web at the drop of an injunction you'd never even heard about. On the contrary: "As these technologies become widespread, their protection will help encourage wider sharing of information within and between organizations, improving communication and productivity by assuring information workers of the confidentiality of their documents and data."
That'll last long enough for, let's say, Al Qaida to use it to plan an attack, or the Medellin cartel to arrange a shipment of coke.
After that, the gov't won't tolerate this. Bad for law enforcement, not being able to snoop.
Hmmmm... May be, just
may be Ballmer's finally on to something?
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