You know how Ballmer keeps making boneheaded statements that harm Microsoft, or make it look bad? Could this be due to him feeling guilty over the horrid thing that Microsoft is?
I doubt it. Ballmer is His Gatesness' cat's paw, and a probable fall guy. If worst comes to worst, M$ can always kick Ballmer out (with a most generous severance package, of course) all the while denying everything. Very likely Ballmer knows
exactly what his part is in the grand scheme of things. M$ comes out looking good for getting rid of the albatross, they can deny everything Ballmer said, and Ballmer himself still comes out a multi-millionaire. A "win" situation all around.
Live Free or Die: Linux

There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore
--Daffy Duck

[ August 02, 2002: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]