If you want to always have your FAT32 partition available put an entry in your /etc/fstab file (you need to be root to edit this, so either log in as root or "su -" in a console first).
You make a folder somewhere (usually under /mnt) which is where the filesystem will be mounted, and then can specify other options to mount to tell it who can access it, whether it is auto-mounted and so on.
e.g. to allow all users to mount your first HD partition on mountpoint /mnt/c you would have
/dev/hda1 /mnt/c vfat defaults,umask=000 0 0
(all on 1 line if it isn't)
in your fstab. If you like you can add an icon for the partition to your desktop, under KDE a small green triangle indicates whether the partition is mounted or not, you can right-click it to do so, after which point it will be available to other programs when you navigate to /mnt/c.
Although it's for Gentoo there is quite a good decription of it here (from Step 2 on, your kernel is already compiled for RedHat):