Author Topic: Linux makes breakthrough in China! (a reputable journal reports)  (Read 1573 times)


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CHINESE 2000, a Linux based operating system  is set to give Microsoft a run for its money in Greater China, according to today's Taiwanese Economic News.

The newspaper reports that Chu Bong-foo, who invented a character input method for Chinese characters, showed a version of Chinese 2000 on the island yesterday.

As we reported last year, mainland China chose Chinese 2000 as the future standard operating system for cities, over concerns about security in Microsoft software.

read the full story here.
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It was coming for tree years... you ever seen the Chinese Windows version? It was even buggier than the Dutch or Finnish version, and now there are some Chinese Linux guys making a good OS for the Chinese people...


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So every country gets it's own version of linux, which is therefore designed for their language (and culture), but because it's all *nix, there is an essential and underlying connectivity (despite the possible thousands of variants), which means people can choose how to run their hardware, and still communicate with the world, whilst no-one has to use Windoze, erm....isn't this what the WWW was meant to be in the first place....why does it still sound revolutionary. Could be a good market for companies writting translation software.

Hey, maybe Dell & co. will start producing Linux systems. Lets face it if they see a big enough market and Micro$suck are holding them back then they may just tell Billy Boy that it's not worth the deals  they get from them. After all there is a significantly lower market for new PC's in the Western markets now.
Tough - Adapt or die : Read The Fucking Manual.

Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under.


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i suppose that's because everybody who wants one has already bought one? what a surprise, why do industries never see that one coming?

if anybody finds out about a "linux Japan", can they let me know please? ta.

[ May 16, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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Totaly off the subject:

But if China aopts Linux, then M$ will probably finger them as proof that open source is a commie plot to take over the world  :D

Not that I have anything against Comunisim or China BTW.


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The international Open Source community seems to be working together much closer than in the past. As a result of this we'll be seeing more and more localised versions of Linux in the years to come. Take my case for example. A few years earlier when I got my first Linux distro (SuSE Linux 6.3), I quickly found out that I couldn't work in my native language (Greek), because of the lack of true type fonts support. However, thanks to our ever growing Greek Linux community, we now have not only a greek translation of KDE or GNOME, but also some very beautiful true type and Type1 fonts released by project graphis.


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does anybody else remember that the source code was not going to be released? I was wondering if that is still true or not.

Doctor V

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Here in Japan, I saw a nice commercial yesterday.  It showed a basketball game, with one team having words like downtime, crashes, security holes, and such written on their jerseys, and the other team had Linux written on theirs.  The mascot was a Penguin too.  The Linux team dominated on the court.  I wonder if this commercial is in other countrys too.


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Yes, it's an IBM commercial and it runs a lot in the US.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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i haven't seen it here unfortunately but then i don't watch a lot of TV. what is it with IBM and HP nowadays pioneering linux with their big bucks? i thought they had their own operating systems that they wanted to push?

sounds like a good advert though, but funny to think of linux adverts!
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Originally posted by Doctor V:
Here in Japan, I saw a nice commercial yesterday.  It showed a basketball game, with one team having words like downtime, crashes, security holes, and such written on their jerseys, and the other team had Linux written on theirs.  The mascot was a Penguin too.  The Linux team dominated on the court.  I wonder if this commercial is in other countrys too.

Yo, it's so weird.  I saw a comercial about a basketball team and Linux too.  But it was for IBM.  I almost thought it was the same one.  Anyway, in my flavor, the basketball coach introduces the new player Linux to the team.

"Team, this is you're new teamate, Linux", says the coach.

Well the team get's all glad to meet him and all.  And then what followes is a sequence of shots of "Linux" making great plays and outperforming all the other guys.
Then the General Manager calls in the head coach.  

"Coach," the GM says, "How is that new player Linux doing?"

"He's doing great", says the coach.

"Well, what are we payin' him?"

The coach, very subtly, blows off all his concern, "Peanuts, sir"

The GM is inquisitive, "Coach, why would anybody that good play for so little?"  

This is followed by a slight pause, to which the coach replies definitivly, "He loves the game."

Athought I don't generally like big buisness such as IBM, I thought this comercial was great, everyone that likes linux on this forum should see it.  Anyway, even if I did like IBM, it's better than Microsoft, right?  M$ by comparison would be like Mo Vaugn, that guy that was signed to the Mets for a ridiculously high paycheck, and then does nothing.  (Please, no flames for being a met's fan, I'm not a front runner)

[ June 10, 2002: Message edited by: iustitia ]


You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?


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Originally posted by Calum:
what is it with IBM and HP nowadays pioneering linux with their big bucks? i thought they had their own operating systems that they wanted to push?

sounds like a good advert though, but funny to think of linux adverts!

Yeah, well I guess the better IT companies found out that contrary to popular MicroSoft Propaganda, Open-Source is a very good solution for Buisness.  IBM sort of fostered M$ and I can see why any reputable Company would want to sever a relationship.  As for HP, don't get me started.  You know something is wrong when one of the guys that is actually in the name of the company openly objects to a mereger which  takes place anyway. Jesus Christ.  If I ever give up hacking and have to start making a living of releasing binaries, I swear to God I'm never going to let my company go public or join one that is.  It sickens me sometimes.

You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?


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20 years ago, ibm was the bastards bringing the wonder of DOS, well they paid macroshat lots for QDOS but that is a long story,
now with an open source religion they might be the only ones that can rid us of ms. but they need to start offereing linux of the desktop and laptop, and support it very well, (support for my thinkpad 600 doestn't count, for 6 months i have fiddled with the damn thing and still can't get sound working), dell used to support linux but billy boy pushed them out of it,
x86: a hack on a hack of a hackway
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4:20.....forget the DMCA for a while!!!


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i too had seen the new player commercial, though it is sweet and sour to me because mass commercialism is never a good thing... look what has happened to the web -and this is just the beginning.

i would be surprised if microshaft "slung mud" with the ~communist~ thing, but i would not put it past al gore

china is begining to become much more open to free marketeering, and if linux becomes the microelectric foundation for the whole shabang, FUCKIN A!

o jesus i just saw a verizon wireless cellphone commercial advertizing ~~msn messenger~~ and ~~msn hotmail~~ right on your display!  neat!  oh wait that is a terrible fucking idea.  i had a pager that could email and query databases 5 yrs ago.

just that you do not take an interest in politics does not mean that politics will not take an interest in you.  -pericles 430 b.c.


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Originally posted by sporkme:
i too had seen the new player commercial, though it is sweet and sour to me because mass commercialism is never a good thing... look what has happened to the web -and this is just the beginning.

I just thought it was funny.  :confused:

Originaly posted by sporkme:

i would be surprised if microshaft "slung mud" with the ~communist~ thing, but i would not put it past al gore

If I am to understand you correctly you mean big Al the "inventor of the internet", thinks that open-source is a communist thing?  Jesus, if that's true, then Bill Gates is an honest man.


You have found the trillionth easily preventable bug in a Microsoft OS.  You have just won the privlage of being frustrated with an over priced, unreliable OS that makes you conform to its standards.  How does that make you feel?