Author Topic: Petition for linux  (Read 480 times)


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Petition for linux
« on: 23 September 2002, 18:50 »
I don't know what good it will do but another forum i browse has got a thread about a petition for linux exposure, this being one of the better places to get support i thought it might be good to link to that thread here.

As quoted from the web site:
"To:  TechTV

The goal of this petition is to show TechTV that dedicating one show, either Call for Help or The Screen Savers, to educating its viewers about the Linux operating system would be an excellent idea.The favorite OS of millions of people worldwide has been getting more and more attention from the media as Microsoft tries to enforce its draconian liscensing policies on the average home-user and the multi-billion dollar corporations alike.

One of the main reasons why Linux ha not grown to its full potential is the simple fact ath a large number or people simply don't know it exists. If one of the aforementioned shows told people about it, I'm sure its popularity would skyrocket. We've already seen a few companies taking a crack at helping to convert Windows users. TransGaming, Lycoris, and recently Sun have stepped up to the OS plate.

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Petition for linux
« Reply #1 on: 23 September 2002, 21:19 »
only 480 signatories? what's wrong?
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Petition for linux
« Reply #2 on: 23 September 2002, 23:54 »
I saw the same link on newsforge. I posted a comment there that it was "fruitless" to petition them. They used to be very pro-Linux when they were owned by Ziff Davis.  Leo and Patric used to sneer at Microsoft and they had lotsa Linux stuff. Well, all that changed when Paul Allen bought them out (cofounder of Microsoft).  

Since that time they have toned down their M$ bashing and hired some brain dead Jerry Lewis impersonator b00b to help Windows users find their "Start Menu". I had a buddy personally ask Patric and Leo face to face why they cut down on the Linux content and their reply was "we would *really* like to be able to address that, but we can't". So their hands are tied.

The petition is a waste of time, not to mention noone knowing about it. Put a link on the Screen Savers web site if you want to get more exposure to the petition. But I feel many are probably like me. We quit watching the show after Paul Allen bought them out and we don't go to the web site. So putting the link on the Screen Savers web site will likely not get a lot of signatures either since the only people that are left are mindless windoids...

[ September 23, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

Someone please remove this account. Thanks...