This is so true, Linsux and Winbloze are both bloatware.
It's stupid you shouldn't have to buy a new PC every three years to run the latest software, you don't with any other appliance. I've not up graded my CD player for over 14 years, and it still plays the latest CDs.
A history of my past upgrades:
386 33MHz 4MB RAM, 43MD disk, 640x480 16 colours, DOS 6 & Win 3.1
Soon upgraded to 8MB RAM, 800x600 64K colours (slow) sound card CD-ROM drive.
New mother bored upgraded to 486 100MHz, 100MB disk.
P200 32MB RAM, 4GB disk, Win 95.
1800MHz, 256MB RAM, Xpee, 40GB disk, DVD ROM CD Burner.
I was excited I thought no more swap files surly 256MB is more than enough, disapointed with Xpee, 336MB swap file

Soon bought another 80GB disk to run, Redhat 9, disapointed with Linux, it guzzels just as much if not even more memory.
Notice a pattern. - My upgrades are becoming less an less frequent. I have never bothered with the latest hardware. I only upgrade when I have to.
The only thing I do with my new PC that I couldn't do with my old one is burn CDs & watch DVDs.
Fuck this for a lark, time to hop of the tread mill, I will not upgrade for another 10 years or maybe even never. By then I hope that Windows is on it's death bed and Linux has got it's act together, or some better OS has replaced it.