Author Topic: OMG..what fucking pricks  (Read 1814 times)


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OMG..what fucking pricks
« Reply #15 on: 30 July 2003, 15:28 »
And I could fit how many of my CDs in ogg format onto that wasted 600 meg?  Hey it'll be cracked in a week anyway like XP so it'll end up as just 600 meg of space you dont own.
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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OMG..what fucking pricks
« Reply #16 on: 30 July 2003, 21:24 »
I'm surprised no one has jumped on this item yet:

HP is looking to integrate similar functionality into existing versions of Windows and Linux, using its own third-party add-on, but here we see it built into the very fabric of the OS.  

Linux (and maybe OSX one day) is not even completely safe from the evils of Palladium.  Switch now, while you still can.


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OMG..what fucking pricks
« Reply #17 on: 30 July 2003, 23:50 »
But whats so emberassing about all this is that Microsoft is an American company.

I sware you guys must think americans are the worst.  We go around in our gas guzzler cards blowing up people in the middle east while at the same time destroying and dominating the software world.
All your base are belong to us.


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OMG..what fucking pricks
« Reply #18 on: 31 July 2003, 00:04 »
I will now puke in such volume and with such force that I can skate home in it.

Hulking ugly slow and buggy pile of rotting dog-nuggets! I forking hate Microsoft!!!!!

Last time I read about the fecies they were doing to windows, I swore I was going to destroy my computer and take up gardening. Maybe it's time to go find my gardening gloves...

Jiminy Forking Cricket!
3 Freaking GIGS!!!!!

I'm getting off this puke-hole planet!

The hard work of convincing the world that this is not a ploy to capture and sell user data or, worse, to use it to monitor our online activities, has been completed, and Microsoft would be ill advised not to capitalise on its success in this area.

I have sniffed packets that were going back to microsoft! I learned all this crap the hard way. I cried when I found! I could not believe that there was someone else out there who had seen it too!

If I have been skating on the edge of resolving to completely rid myself of MS before, it is because my boss insists that everything has to be MS in our office. I convirted my Brother to Linux. Now I go, "hey man check out this cool win app." and he'll say "man I stopped using windows a long time ago!" every time! I talked him into trying it. I walked him through installing it. I showed him www.f*km$.com and I'm the one still using windows! why?!?!? My wife even hates MS. She runs LINUX! Hey! I get to have sex with a girl who uses LINUX!!!!! how many of you can say that???? ha ha ha ha! I can't even get her to boot into windows. I'm about to take it off of her machine and free up the space!

I don't need files asking permission to see if they can forking run on my own forking machine! It's my machine! They are my files! Bloated spyware! Tracking whoreware! I am so freaking pissed I could puke!

Hey I know, let's dumb it down and make it look better. It's already slow enough! Alpha code my ass! When it is released and running on your machine, Longhorn will be used as a landmark by turtles to give other turtles directions!

Isn't the new file system supposed to be based on an SQL database? So like now when the OS goes down as it invariably will, it will take my files with it!

melding products so seamlessly into the user's life that they had no choice but to upgrade.

If it works that badly, why upgrade?

No forking choice? Is there a lubricant included in the upgrade?

to convince us that our business and personal lives will so depend on this upgrade that we will not be able to live without it.

He who controls what you see, controls what you think.

Mindless forking morons out there buying this crap in stampedes do not need to be convinced. They can't think for themselves.

Nazi Fucking Thought Police!

It's my Computer. Give it back!

If you're not using Linux yet    :mad:    then I'm gonna poop on your lawn and insist that dogs are doing it until you do! So the next time you find dog loaf on your nice green grass, I'll be watching you and chuckling from a distance.

hoo hu haw ha ha ha ha ha ha!

[ July 30, 2003: Message edited by: hai_ok ]

[ July 30, 2003: Message edited by: hai_ok ]


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OMG..what fucking pricks
« Reply #19 on: 31 July 2003, 02:37 »
I have sniffed packets that were going back to microsoft!

Not that I want to defend Microscoff, but would this perchance be the automatic Windoze updates? If not, I'll STFU.

If you're not using Linux yet then I'm gonna poop on your lawn and insist that dogs are doing it until you do! So the next time you find dog loaf on your nice green grass, I'll be watching you and chuckling from a distance.

That's not very nice for Mac/BeOS/FreeBSD users.

[ July 30, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


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OMG..what fucking pricks
« Reply #20 on: 31 July 2003, 05:29 »
Originally posted by Laukev7:
Oh, I can write very well, believe me. You should have seen how I tore apart the first Harry Potter movie in one of my reviews! (The novels are great though.)

Anyway, in the mean time you can read some of my comments here:

I have lots of time on my hands, so I guess I could write a review. I never reviewed an operating system before, though, and I'm not sure where to start, so feel free to give suggestions.

[ July 24, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]

I guess you'd approach it kind of like a  chemistry experiment, no? Setup, Procedure / methodology, conclusions???

Might be kind of analytical and dry, you have excellent writting skills though Laukev7, so I'm sure in the idiom of Mr Blair you could 'sex it up'.

Love to see you do it  ;)
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« Reply #21 on: 31 July 2003, 08:07 »
Your reference to Anthony Blair is quite appropriate, Zardoz, as my writing style is very inspired by british litterature. I really like the witty phrases and descriptions of some English authors!

To write that review I'll need to look at it again, as it's been a few weeks since I've used it. Which means that I'll have to reinstall that rubbish on my computer. Guess I'll have to download it again, then.

As for the analytical method, this applies for scientific experiments, but not reviews or essays. I learnt how to review and summarise a novel or a movie, but I'm not sure of which aspects of the OS to describe. I would try to read some reviews and attempt to make an outline, but I fear that I might miss some important details.

In the mean time, would you provide me some more teasers of Mac OS X? I'll sure need to rest my eyes once in a while; last time I got a migraine just by staring at LH for too long. I'm not kidding about the headache!


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OMG..what fucking pricks
« Reply #22 on: 31 July 2003, 18:14 »
-would this perchance be the automatic Windoze updates? If not, I'll STFU.
That's not very nice for Mac/BeOS/FreeBSD users.


I would never tell you to STFU. You did ask an honest question. I've seen packets go to them during updates and then there were other times when Windows would just randomly send them to M$.

The point is not when it is sent. After all I would send crap I didn't want you to know about, during a time when you thought it was ok for me to send crap. Like during an update.

The concern is what is being sent. It may not be legal for them to send, record and track specific things, and they may not admit to it... But they do it.

and for the record...
FreeBSD is Linux.
BeOS is great (so, sorry to those people. I'll go scoop up the poop)!
And Apple has abandoned developing their own OS in favor of writing their OSX shell for Darwin Linux.

So you're one out of three.  ;)


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« Reply #23 on: 31 July 2003, 19:43 »

FreeBSD is Linux

What?  "Comparable" maybe, but FreeBSD uses the BSD kernel and GNU/Linux uses the Linux kernel.  They're both similar in that they use a lot of GNU code for the actual OS and they both share a lot of applications but surely not "exact?"
Unless I'm missing something here...
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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OMG..what fucking pricks
« Reply #24 on: 31 July 2003, 20:42 »
I would never tell you to STFU. You did ask an honest question. I've seen packets go to them during updates and then there were other times when Windows would just randomly send them to M$.

Oh, OK. I wanted to make sure that our concerns about Microsoft's breach of privacy were founded, and not the result of paranoia or misguided by our hatred for Microsoft. In that case... DOWN WITH MICROSOFT!

Unless I'm missing something here...

No, you're not. FreeBSD is derived from BSD 4.4, which was released under the BSD Licence. BSD was originally a distribution of UNIX by Berkeley, a famous university in California. Big parts of their distribution were replaced by their own code, and eventually only a few files from the original UNIX remained, so they rewrote them to free themselves from copyright issues and to be allowed to distribute it for free (as in free speech, but less restrictions than the GPL).

As for Darwin, it uses the FreeBSD system, but is based on the Mach kernel. Darwin has been modeled after OpenStep, a UNIX-like system conceived by NeXT, and also based on the Mach kernel. You may be interested to know that the CEO of NeXT was Steven P. Jobs, none other than the co-founder and  current CEO of Apple Computer.

[ July 31, 2003: Message edited by: Laukev7 ]


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OMG..what fucking pricks
« Reply #25 on: 31 July 2003, 23:43 »
I consider all variations of Unix to be Linux.
Perhaps I'm wrong to think of them this way. I adore and admire their power, flexibility and stability. So I'm being generally affectionate when I refer to them this way. And I'm not trying to offend anyones exacting sensibilities.

My misguided paranoia is quite well founded in practical experience. If you are just paranoid, then you are not paranoid enough.

And rewriting code to free ones self from the bonds of copyright is what Linus did. It sounds like the BSD people did it too.


There are entirely too many groups out there claiming that they are "Unix-Like".

Nearly anyone can make this claim. If they want to distinguish themselves at all, why don't they claim to be nothing like Unix? But, "Unix-Like"? This phrase is overused and means practically nothing. If anything it means, almost, but not quite Unix! It more than likely means a watered down, luke warm, room temperature, garden variety OS that may bare some vague or even remote likeness to Unix.

You want Unix like, get Slackware. Do your homework. That is closer than anything else.

If it makes you feel better to make the distinction, then fine. But to me it's all just Linux.

I hate forums.


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« Reply #26 on: 1 August 2003, 04:36 »
There are entirely too many groups out there claiming that they are "Unix-Like".

Nearly anyone can make this claim. If they want to distinguish themselves at all, why don't they claim to be nothing like Unix? But, "Unix-Like"? This phrase is overused and means practically nothing. If anything it means, almost, but not quite Unix! It more than likely means a watered down, luke warm, room temperature, garden variety OS that may bare some vague or even remote likeness to Unix.  

Hmmm... I think there are groups out there that would readily associate themself with Unix or the Open source movement. However this is not to say that there all directly involved with OS development or the OS per se. Groups like the Apache Software Foundation are keen to be allied to both these groups. Or how about OpenOffice?

Whilst some of them may produce products that span OS's it obvious were there allegiances lay.

I think the term Linux or Unix is in such common usage now that it use may be commonly misapplied but not always misguided.
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« Reply #27 on: 1 August 2003, 17:13 »


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OMG..what fucking pricks
« Reply #28 on: 1 August 2003, 18:27 »
I consider all variations of Unix to be Linux.

Huh? That's like saying you consider all flavours of ice-cream to be chocolate.

Nearly anyone can make this claim. If they want to distinguish themselves at all, why don't they claim to be nothing like Unix? But, "Unix-Like"? This phrase is overused and means practically nothing.

No, it does mean something - it means 'Unix-like'. GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, HP-UX and every other 'Unix-like' system all operate similarly and are each a deliberate implementation of a Unix-type system.
"While envisaging the destruction of imperialism, it is necessary to identify its head, which is none other than the United States of America." - Ernesto Che Guevara


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« Reply #29 on: 2 August 2003, 00:32 »
You don't think it is overused?
If you are talking Ice Cream, then ok, different OSes are all different Ice Cream Flavors...

Most peoples idea of Unix-like is chocolate with sprinkles on top. And then they call it their own Unix-Like OS, when really... most of them are just Linux with a few unique toppings.

I'm just saying that there are almost none (with few exceptions) who have contributed a really unique recipe to the 31 flavors. Like Apple. They only really make Syrup anymore...

There would not be 31 flavors of OS-cream though.
Windows would be Vanilla.
And ok, Unix, and variations of it are chocolate and mocha and coco...
and MacOS is Strawberry.
There are some older flavors. But no one sells them anymore. And I can't even buy Strawberry unless I can find it on ebay... Or you wanna pay like 3 to 5 times more than vanilla.

But chocolate is free!

Or if Unix is chocolate then Unix-Like must be chocolate syrup. But don't try and tell me that you can just make something Unix-Like, just by adding syrup.

It could be a bowl of dog fecies. But I wouldn't eat it.

Unix is really more like caffeine.
You can make a drink without it.
But, why?

[ August 01, 2003: Message edited by: hai_ok ]