Author Topic: PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE.....GROUP PROJECT?  (Read 4575 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 17 July 2002, 11:56 »
ok, as in another post, when space is limitaed, go with either debian/*woody i would presume,*/ or a slackware install, have maybe a 400 meg / partiions
and a whole gig drive as /usr
then on the rest of the drive with 400 meg, mount the rest as /stuff and install in there
id rather be on fire then use windoze

x86, a hack on a hack of a hack
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« Reply #16 on: 17 July 2002, 11:57 »
those arn't exact numbers however
id rather be on fire then use windoze

x86, a hack on a hack of a hack
alpha, the compaqed way
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« Reply #17 on: 17 July 2002, 13:18 »
Originally posted by Master of Reality / Bob:
15 MB boot parition on the first drive at the beginning.
300MB swap at end of first drive?
the second drive only /usr (700MB) amd /home (300mb)?

I am by no means an exper on partitions. I didnt separate my redhat paritions, they are all under root expect for my boot partition.

if he'll be using an old box, he'll probably be using 2.x kernel.. Didn't the 2.2 kernel and below need the swap to be the second partion? So:
[hda1 /boot 15mb][hda2 /swap 300mb][hda3 690mb /home] [hdb2 rest /]


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« Reply #18 on: 17 July 2002, 13:20 »
nah, debian runs  a 2.2 kernel right, and so does slackware. it doesn't matter i don't think as long as it knows where it is. thats the beauty of UN*X, it doesn't give a shit how the file/whatever is there, it just knows that it is there, this fact enables unix to do the kind of data plumbing that i have used it to do.
id rather be on fire then use windoze

x86, a hack on a hack of a hack
alpha, the compaqed way
ppc, the fruity way
mips, the graphical way
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« Reply #19 on: 17 July 2002, 18:12 »
Originally posted by choasmaster:
nah, debian runs  a 2.2 kernel right, and so does slackware. it doesn't matter i don't think as long as it knows where it is. thats the beauty of UN*X, it doesn't give a shit how the file/whatever is there, it just knows that it is there, this fact enables unix to do the kind of data plumbing that i have used it to do.
I'm running Woody with the 2.4.18 kernel, and ext3 file system, something I would suggest for the project; ext3 seems to be pretty stable, and theres a definite speed difference when you startup.
Sleeping Dog:  My kids gave me a 7-CD-ROM set of Debian 3.0 for Fathers day: if you would like I could burn you a set;  it means NO downloads- there's something like 6500 packages on the set.  They were made from te ISO image of 6/10/02, so they're pretty current.  If you're interested, let me know and we'll set something up.
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« Reply #20 on: 17 July 2002, 18:26 »
oopss, i meant r2.2.6 or something like that, the "stable" version of it/*for as much beta software as i run, its still more stable then a windows box*/ i know that woody is on the bleeding edge, but i don't think it would like the pentium 60mhz too much
id rather be on fire then use windoze

x86, a hack on a hack of a hack
alpha, the compaqed way
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« Reply #21 on: 17 July 2002, 19:48 »
Originally posted by choasmaster:
oopss, i meant r2.2.6 or something like that, the "stable" version of it/*for as much beta software as i run, its still more stable then a windows box*/ i know that woody is on the bleeding edge, but i don't think it would like the pentium 60mhz too much
I'm not sure how Woody would react; that's one of the beauties of the new install, there's 5 (I think) methods to setup, and you can start with the 2.2 kernel- my box could handle the 2.4.xx series, so I opted for the latest version, but I think a minimal install with the 2.2.xx kernel would operate just fine; there is one sticking point; Xwindow- Woody comes with XFree86-4.1, but I think that earlier versions are included and can be setup at install.  BTW; most folks don't talk about Debian and "bleeding edge" in the same breath; "bleeding edge" for Debian would be unstable-Sid (Still In Development) and even Sid is tame by other distros criteria; Debians big selling point (other than apt-get) for me is the stability; the developers are down right anal about stability, and it shows.  You won't see the latest and greatest available in the package selection until the developers have wrung it out pretty severely, and even then, they'll be patching it for a while; you'll see instances of bug reports about a problem reported by one user, and the Debian Q.C. team takes that as seriously as a thousand users; they want Debian to do exactly what it should and give no users any problems; that's pretty impressive for a bunch of unpaid volunteers, huh?
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??

Sleeping Dog

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« Reply #22 on: 17 July 2002, 22:34 »
Here is where we are so far regarding these four criteria:  1-The OS   2-The GUI  3-"Word" analogue   4-Windows emulation method for running the two apps.

The following list gives each participant's choices for these four.  Multiple suggestions/votes are ranked in order.Please let me know if I have made any errors regarding the selections that you suggested or their rankings.  If I was unsure about a category, I placed a (_?_) in that space.

We may have more people join in before the end of the day on Friday.  ALL ARE WELCOME TO PARTICIPATE!  I will start setting up the box during the weekend based on your majority decisions if everything is in place.

Please also be considering how you want me to partition hda and hdb.

[B}the_black_angel[/B]   1-BSD  2-GNOME/KDE  3-OpenOffice  4-(_?_)

creedon  1-Debian(Woody)  2-WM/XFCE/IceWM  3-OpenOffice/AbiWord  4-WINE/Xwindow

M.o.R./Bob  1-SlackWare/RedHat/Debian  2-BlackBox/KDE  3-VI  4-(_?_)

TheQuirk  1-Debian  2-IceWM/KDE  3-OpenOffice  4-(_?_)

cloudstrife  1-SlackWare  2-(_?_)  3-(_?_)  4-(_?_)

chaosmaster  1-Debian(Woody)/Slackware  2-(_?_)  3-(_?_)  4-WINE

Have a Great Week.

Sleeping Dog

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« Reply #23 on: 18 July 2002, 12:24 »
Anybody in touch with Tux?
I understand that he may have one dual monitor solution.
Someone else said that they would help with the dual head config.  Was that Creedon?  I will have to look back.

Here again....this is an experiment in Moving people from Windows to LINUX without them having to buy new software.

I wish that the MESwas involved in this too.  He knows about what I have tried to do with these old boxes and why.

Film at 11:00

Sleeping Dog


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« Reply #24 on: 18 July 2002, 13:16 »
ah, for the window mangager/gui, i would recomend windowmaker.its light wieght and sweet at the same time,and highly configureable. and i loads from kdm, in less then 4 seconds/*never timed it exactly*/ and it runs great on my 60mhz pentium system
id rather be on fire then use windoze

x86, a hack on a hack of a hack
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« Reply #25 on: 19 July 2002, 03:30 »
i would say XFce for the GUI, a good compromise between ease of use and non-over-the-toppage.
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Sleeping Dog

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« Reply #26 on: 19 July 2002, 19:41 »
Here is an updated list of your choices for the four criteria:  1-The OS  2-The GUI  3-"Word" analogue  4-Windows emulation method for running the two apps.  Again, please let me know if I have made any errors regarding the solutions that you have offered.

the_black_angel  1-BSD  2-GNOME/KDE  3-OpenOffice  4-(_?_)

creedon  1-Debian(Woody)  2-WM/XFCE/IceWM  3-OpenOffice/AbiWord  4-WINE/Xwindow

M.o.R./Bob  1-SlackWare/RedHat/Debian  2-BlackBox/KDE  3-VI  4-(_?_)

TheQuirk  1-Debian  2-IceWM/KDE  3-OpenOffice  4-(_?_)

cloudstrife  1-SlackWare  2-(_?_)  3-(_?_)  4-(_?_)

choasmaster  1-Debian(Woody)/Slackware  2-WindowMaker  3-(_?_)  4-WINE

Calum   1-(_?_)   2-XFE   3-(_?_)   4-(_?_)

More votes/suggestions for partitioning hda and hdb would also be welcome.

So far, Debian (Woody install) is in the lead for the OS version with Slackware running a very close second.  I will take Creedon up on his offer to make copies of the OEM CD's and send them to me if Debian is still in the lead by the end of the day.  (I will reimburse for any CD-R and shipping costs.)

This is getting better all the time....Shall we call this the Proxy Box?.

You guys are Super...

Sleeping Dog


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« Reply #27 on: 19 July 2002, 22:36 »
So far, Debian (Woody install) is in the lead for the OS version with Slackware running a very close second.  I will take Creedon up on his offer to make copies of the OEM CD's and send them to me if Debian is still in the lead by the end of the day.  (I will reimburse for any CD-R and shipping costs.)

This is getting better all the time....Shall we call this the Proxy Box?.I like the name- sounds good.  As far as the CD's go, let me know here on the forum if you want them, and then we can make arrangements to get them to you; it'll most likely be about a week to get all 7 brned and mailed to you.  If you want to get an idea what's contained on the CD's go to Debians website and click on packages>testing (That's Woody)>all packages; there's well over 6000 packages in the distro, and they're all on the 7 CD's, including all the WM's we've discussed (there maybe a few packages that have been released since these ISO's were made, but it would be very few; Woody is at the "frozen" stage).
I'm going to reiterate my chice for WN; XFCE.  I'm saying this because, with limited resources, XFCE performs the best.  I've got 512 Mb. of PC-133 on my box, so I don't worry too much, but didn't you indicate that you only had 64 Mb for the project box?  If that's right, using KDE and WINE at the same time would make for a VERY slow computer.

You guys are Super...

Sleeping Dog[/QB][/QUOTE]
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??

Sleeping Dog

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« Reply #28 on: 20 July 2002, 06:31 »

We want to be fair to the West Coast and Aussie interests.

The Debian solution, if it wins, will require a one week turn around for Creedon to burn and ship it to me.  Any other winner may require download time.  Fortunately, I have a cable broadband connection.


Again.....this project is focused on running high end software, that was originally designed for Windows, on a LINUX platform.

The ISSUES for this coming week's input will be:

1. - How do you want the hda and hdb (1.0 and 1.2 GIG) hard drives formatted and partitioned?  (You will need about 100 MEG of space for the PhotoShop App. and a minimum of 300 MEG of swap space.  AutoCAD needs about 120 MEG of space minimum....maybe another 100 meg for drawing files.)  

2. - What Windows emulation alternative will be optimum for these applications. (PhotoShop 5.5 and AutoCad Rel.13)

There already seems to be a consensus on using OpenOffice for the other app., so , unless there is any major objection, we will call that issue a done deal.

This project is open to EVERYONE on this forum, so if you have positive input on the earlier questions or the upcoming decisions, please let us hear from you.  All OPINIONS ARE WELCOME!

Gotta' Go For Now...

My girlfriend just called and she won't take "yes" for an answer.

Sleeping Dog

Sleeping Dog

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« Reply #29 on: 20 July 2002, 06:37 »
A correction - on Item #2.

Calum 1-(_?_) 2-XFce 3-(_?_) 4-(_?_)