Author Topic: PROFESSIONAL SOFTWARE.....GROUP PROJECT?  (Read 4570 times)


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« Reply #30 on: 20 July 2002, 06:49 »
Openoffice defiantly, i think i already said the partitinoing i would use
id rather be on fire then use windoze

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Sleeping Dog

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« Reply #31 on: 20 July 2002, 07:16 »
The votes/suggestions for partitioning and drive assignments that have come in so far are the following quotes.  More details, suggestions and ideas are encouraged in that I am going to follow the instructions of the majority for this project.{/B]

Quoted from earlier in the thread:

Master of Reality / Bob
15 MB boot parition on the first drive at the beginning.
300MB swap at end of first drive?
the second drive only /usr (700MB) amd /home (300mb)?
I am by no means an exper on partitions. I didnt separate my redhat paritions, they are all under root expect for my boot partition.

ok, as in another post, when space is limitaed, go with either debian/*woody i would presume,*/ or a slackware install, have maybe a 400 meg / partiions
and a whole gig drive as /usr
then on the rest of the drive with 400 meg, mount the rest as /stuff and install in there.

if he'll be using an old box, he'll probably be using 2.x kernel.. Didn't the 2.2 kernel and below need the swap to be the second partion? So:
[hda1 /boot 15mb][hda2 /swap 300mb][hda3 690mb /home] [hdb2 rest /]


Best to ya'

Sleeping Dog


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« Reply #32 on: 20 July 2002, 07:47 »
/dev/hda1 /boot 50MB
/dev/hda2 swap 256MB (depends on how much RAM you have and what you are using the box for)
/dev/hda3 / (rest of disk).
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...

Sleeping Dog

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« Reply #33 on: 20 July 2002, 21:02 »
Where you stand now:

Master of Reality / Bob
15 MB boot parition on the first drive at the beginning.
300MB swap at end of first drive?
the second drive only /usr (700MB) amd /home (300mb)?
I am by no means an exper on partitions. I didnt separate my redhat paritions, they are all under root expect for my boot partition.

ok, as in another post, when space is limitaed, go with either debian/*woody i would presume,*/ or a slackware install, have maybe a 400 meg / partiions
and a whole gig drive as /usr
then on the rest of the drive with 400 meg, mount the rest as /stuff and install in there.

if he'll be using an old box, he'll probably be using 2.x kernel.. Didn't the 2.2 kernel and below need the swap to be the second partion? So:
[hda1 /boot 15mb][hda2 /swap 300mb][hda3 690mb /home] [hdb2 rest /]

/dev/hda1 /boot 50MB
/dev/hda2 swap 256MB (depends on how much RAM you have and what you are using the box for)
/dev/hda3 / (rest of disk).

This is GREAT!

In the words of the sage....."Cummon'....hurt me....beat me....make me write bad checks!

Just kidding.....but this is really getting better all of the time.

I ran some DOS level tests on the memory modules and this box may be restricted to 64 Meg unless I stumble across more free RAM.  (bank zero showed errors on third pass...could be slot problems or chip....don't know yet...probably chips.  For now, it is a 64 MEG box that works clean.)

Think 64 and go from there.....any bump up that I might luck up on will just be an added bonus.

All the better in a way....that forces the issue again back to fast and clean.

Good Work Folks!

Sleeping Dog

Sleeping Dog

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« Reply #34 on: 20 July 2002, 21:29 »
Again...a reminder about the focus of this experiment for those who might have just joined the thread:
If we, as a group, can put together a viable way of running these rather expensive Win apps efficiently under LINUX, maybe more folks would be willing to start transitioning their OS's if they knew that they would not have to purchase an entirely new library of professional software. Trust me....that DOES get into the thousands...even sometimes for upgrades.

If people have both bucks AND stability as a reason to move....they will move.

We are treading fresh ground with this little experiment....Maybe we can mark the path and show the way?

Sweet dreams to all.

Sleeping Dog


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« Reply #35 on: 20 July 2002, 21:40 »
I don't want to run Win apps under Linux.  I would rather have those apps ported to linux and run them natively.  Send mail to the vendors.  They do read them and I find most of them are on the fence with it. The more requests they get the more likely they are to port.  But then I would rather use an open source app if at all possible.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...

Sleeping Dog

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« Reply #36 on: 20 July 2002, 10:02 »
VoidMain...You good kind soul...We all AGREE with your sentiment.  That is the purpose of this project.

If we can SHOW DEFINATIVELY that intelligent people are willing to exert REAL EFFORT to run Win versions of apps under LINUX because LINUX is faster, friendlier and more stable, then maybe the goobers who control the development bucks at some of the software companies like Adobe and AutoDesk will loosen the pursestrings a little and start porting this stuff to LINUX for their own good and ours too.

(Sorry for the long sentence.  My high school English teacher would have pulled out her whip after reading that one.)

Again....the intent of this experiment....make Win versions of Pro software run fast and clean under LINUX.

If this really works good....we can send the info out and have even more people transitioning their OS to LINUX that much sooner.  Do you see now?

This project for all of us is just a micro-step toward changing the world.  At least it is a step in a positive direction.

Keep the faith, Amigo.

Sleeping Dog

Sleeping Dog

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« Reply #37 on: 20 July 2002, 10:43 »
Just a thought about how hard drives work (and you folks probably know this already.)

The fastest access to any data on a HD will be what gets written first on the outer edges of the plates.  Needless to say, we probably want the boot sector on the outer edge....or do we?  If it is small....between 15 and 50 as some have suggested, then the time necessary for the RW heads to move to the INSIDE of the platter becomes a minor consideration during boot.  After that, the major functions of the OS and BIOS are cashed in the RAM so it should not be a killer slow down during the functioning of the app that we are running.....or will it?

Should the swap area designated for a swap-intensive application like PhotoShop be placed on the outer (fastest) edges of the HD?  On a hardware speed level, I would say YES....but there is so much that I don't know about how LINUX really works that I totally leave this question for you folks to answer.

This is beginning to feel like what we used to do tuning a small displacement race-car engine.

Sleeping Dog

Sleeping Dog

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« Reply #38 on: 20 July 2002, 11:00 »

choasmaster   I apologise for mis-typing your name earlier in the thread.

I looked at it and saw chaos...master and thought " name"

See what I get for being dislectic....

What does Choas mean?  I am culturally illeterate and need to be educated about these things so that I don't offend people.  Please let me know....usually when I have a "leg-up" it's because I have my own foot in my mouth.

Be kind to Old People - they now have all of the money.

Sleeping Dog


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« Reply #39 on: 20 July 2002, 12:11 »
ahh, thats ok,
the story behind the name, involve's chaos/*with the a first*/ in action that me being a touch typist at over 60 words a minute UNCORRECTED. i happend to think up of chaosforages and went to reqister it on aim. but i misplace the a with the o. infact, i used to be choasforages on this board too, untill my passwd screwed up and wouldn't let me log back on. im trying to get the webmaster to help sort this out.
id rather be on fire then use windoze

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« Reply #40 on: 20 July 2002, 18:24 »
As a matter of information, Debian 3.0 Woody has been re-designated as the "stable" distribution of Debian as of 7/19/2002 after 1 year and 11 months of development.  What was "Sid" (still in development) is now "testing" Sarge.  "Sid" will always be "Sid", the distribtions ar named for the characters in the "Toy Story" movies.
BTW; I still like XFCE!!!
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??


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« Reply #41 on: 20 July 2002, 19:36 »
i really really really like windowmaker, and for toystory, i love that movie
id rather be on fire then use windoze

x86, a hack on a hack of a hack
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« Reply #42 on: 20 July 2002, 20:34 »
Originally posted by choasmaster:
i really really really like windowmaker, and for toystory, i love that movie
Yeah, I finally got to watch Toy Story 2 last night; kind of a coincidence, huh?
Anyway, I'd like a clarification about the project.
It's pretty much a given that this project is oriented toward businss applications n a professional level.  That is most likely the biggest hurdle that Linux has to get over before there is general acceptance of Linux as a viable alternative to a commercial O.S. (read: Windows).  I think that everybody involved can agree on that point.
My question is this:  Do we want to create a suite of apps that consist of native Linux apps that are capable of daily use on a commercial level, and where such apps don't exist, use an emulation app to run Windows programs under Linux to complete the suite.
Create a suite of native Linux applications that cover ALL commercial applications, including word processing, accounting, scientific applications, technical applications, etc.?
The reason I ask this is kind of hard to explain, but if you've got the time to read this drivel, I'll continue.
Sleeping Dog has mentioned, on a couple of occasions, applications that seem to be oriented toward the machining industry, specifically CAD and CNC; well, this is an area close to my heart, I've worked in the industry for about 35 years, both as a machinist and now, as a Q.C. tech.  At the moment, I'm working for a manufacturer of aircraft hydraulic controls in upstate N.Y.  We are currently incorporating a product line from a recent aquisition which will require a major change in our manufacturing capabilities.  My current assignment is to calibrate all the gages from this aquisition, and incorporate them into our ISO 9001 tracking system.  My (personal) concern is one of my most important calibration tools. a Pratt & Whitney Model C Supermicrometer.
This device uses a DOS-based recording program that will only run on WIN95A or older.  This is becoming a concern to me, because Pratt & Whitney has no plans to upgrade their program; they are eliminating the Model C from their product line.  There are THOUSANDS of these in use, but they will soon be obsoleted, not because they can't do the job any longer, but because the software that operates them can't be updated.  It strikes me that this isn't an isolated case.  I think that there are a huge number of perfectly capable machining tools that only lack software to be productive pieces of equipment.
While my specific problem is something I'll be able to deal with, it strikes me that Linux proponants are missing out on a great opportunity.  Maybe it might be a good idea to look in that direction for our project; wouldn't it be great to offer an inexpensive solution to small manufacturing operations that would allow them to continue to use equipment that is mechanically in good shape, but lacks software to be usable?  That would be a hell of an incentive to switch to open source, wouldn't it?
I'm SERIOUS about Linux; are you??


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« Reply #43 on: 20 July 2002, 21:31 »
i know, cad and cnc was pretty fun when i gave it a shot with the schools reallysmall cnc lathe, i almost made a big pointy bar of metal/*now that would solve a few of my social problems   :mad:  */ out of all the old 100mhz machines in the lab, it was the only one running dos. speciatly apps are a bitch, and i personaly think that they should be open source so that equipment could be used for a very long time, cuase most machining machines i have seen are built to like last forever. i guess they just want to sell new equipment
id rather be on fire then use windoze

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« Reply #44 on: 20 July 2002, 21:32 »
and i noticed that you are going to use autocad r13, i noticed on that r14 is rated better under wine then under native windows
id rather be on fire then use windoze

x86, a hack on a hack of a hack
alpha, the compaqed way
ppc, the fruity way
mips, the graphical way
m68k, the NeXT way
sparc, the reliable way